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Spotify (trial) premium payment problem

Spotify (trial) premium payment problem


Spotify (Trial) Premium




My Question or Issue

I've just made an account and bought spotify premium. It said that you could also have a premium trial for 30days for just €0,01 and after that you monthly pay an amount of €10. So what I did was subscribe to premium and bought the trial through iDEAL. The money was transferred out of my bankaccount, HOWEVER I haven't received my premium status... I even tried to log out and log in again on spotify website/app and still nothing happens!! It says that I got spotify free while I even paid for the premium? Also if you go to the option ''invoices'' you see that there is a bill that is paid for premium. Neither can I find the ''unsubscribe to premium'' option. Normally you would see that but really nothing changed. So I am worried that the next month I will keep getting bills of €10,- eventhough I haven't even received my spotify premium status.. Anybody know how to fix this problem?

1 Reply

P.S. Is it a server error that could be fixed in a day or ??

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