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Which email address am I using?

Which email address am I using?

Plan Premium

Country Netherlands


My Question or Issue

My father in law does not use Spotify, yet every month they take money from his account. We want to end his contract but he doesn't know which email address he uses, and all email addresses we try on spotify say not to have a spotify account. Due to that we're in a very annoying circle and there's no way to end his contract becuause to do that, you have to log in and we don't know (and can't find) the email address.

This is super frustrating and even more frustrating is that there is NO way whatsoever to reach spotify for help. I really hope someone in this community can help my father in law finally end his contract.

7 Replies

Hi @user-removed!

If you can't log in and you’re unsure which email you used, I’d recommend having a quick scan of the email accounts you own for emails from ‘’. That way you can determine which one you used to sign up for Spotify with. I'd also recommend checking out this Support article for more info on how to find tour Spotify accounts. You should then be able to cancel that subscription following the steps in this Support article. I'd also recommend checking out Spotify's refund policy in case you'd like to ask for a refund.

Let me know how it goes!

Jose_MSpotify Star
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Hi @Jose_M thanks a lot for your help. Unfortunately I already tried this. The email checker says that no Spotify account is connected to the emails we try. My father in law has no Facebook and no devices which are connected to Spotify. This makes it impossible to find out to which email address his bank account is connected and how to cancel it. I really hope someone can help me as I seem unable to get a reply from Spofity itself on Facebook or Twitter.

Hey @user-removed!


If you reached out to Spotify by following the steps here, you should get a reply within 48h. You still don't get a reply, make sure to let me know and I'll see what I can suggest.


Keep me posted!

Jose_MSpotify Star
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Thanks! Am waiting for him to send me a printscreen of the payments so I can send this to spotify. Hope they'll be able to help as they also ask for email address etc which is the issue. Will keep you posted, thank you so far!

Cool! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you 🙂
Jose_MSpotify Star
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@Jose_M sorry for the late reply but I managed to solve the problem last Friday via a Spotify chat. Turns out the email address of the account had a spelling mistake, therefore we couldn't find out to which email address the account was linked. Thanks again for your help!

Hey there! I'm glad to hear everything's fine now. Make sure to let me know if you have any other questions and have a nice day 🙂
Jose_MSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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