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advertisment with premium

advertisment with premium






My Question or Issue

I have a premium subsciption. I continously get advertisments about bands, albums and spotify premium family. I can't see any way of turning those advertisments off. Any chance anyone found a way?


Or is it just keep clicking dismiss on the same question over and over the solution? Can't I just tell spotify that I am not interested in what you're trying to sell me?

3 Replies

Hey @gnunard, thanks for reaching out to the Community!


Could you try a clean reinstall of the app? If that doesn't help, could you try following some troubleshooting steps here?

Let me know how this goes 🙂

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thanks but yes, I have reinstalled the app, And I don't get the non-premium advertisements, I get advertisements about spotify family and new albums from bands I don't listen to.

It's more the problem of full screen advertisement as shown in the screenshot I am talking about.

The lack of integrity, the dishonesty and greed from spotify to use their platform to push advertisements to paying customers that have no way to opt out of such nonsense. 

If the advertisements were out of the way, never in the way and, most of all, NEVER fullscreen I wouldn't mind. But best of all would be a toggle in the notifications meny to just stop all advertisements such as these all together.

Hey @gnunard


Can you make sure you're logged in to the right account? You can check to confirm this on your account page. Let me know if it says Free or Premium.


Waiting for your response!

Billy-JSpotify Star
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If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like.
Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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