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Say hello to our newest Rock Stars!

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It's our birthday!
The Rock Star Program is marking it's one year anniversary today and we're thrilled to celebrate with our current and new Rock Stars and Rising Stars. 
It's been an amazing year and we're releasing an infographic to show you guys what we've been up to! Keep your eye on the Community Blog for that coming soon. 
It's also been a year of learning with our Rock Stars giving great feedback about Spotify, the Community, and the Rock Star Program. We've taken on this feedback and made some changes to the Rock Star Program, with the biggest change being reviews once a month. You can check out the changes in the brand new Rock Stars Program pdf attached.
This month the Community team is welcoming these five Rising Stars to join the Rock Star crew:

This crew has spent the past three months helping Spotify users, reporting issues, and learning from our current band of Rock Stars. As Rock Stars they'll keep enjoying some backstage perks such as: 


  • Premium Codes
  • Official Spotify Gear
  • Early Access to New Versions of Spotify
  • Invites to Spotify Staff Q&A Sessions

We're also adding these new Rising Stars. They've been doing some incredible posts already over the past 3 months and they're climbing up the Top Contributor Review: 












Interested in becoming a Rising Star or a Rock Star? Just jump in the boards and start posting!

The Spotify Community Team