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Autoplay don't work (Mac, iOS)

Autoplay don't work (Mac, iOS)

I've read almost all the answers to solving this problem, but still nothing...
About few moths ago autoplay stopped working. The button on settings is ON, on desktop and on app. I can only see "recommended songs", but it wouldn't play them automatically. 
I have done clean reinstall, nothing changes. Phone app is also updated. 
I really need it to work...
How can I make it work?

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 21.31.19.jpgScreenshot 2021-02-01 at 21.31.03.jpg


8 Replies

Hey @lauratoomesoo,


Thanks for reaching out about this here in the Community.


Just to confirm, have you experienced this with every album, playlist, or selection of tracks you listened to? It'd be great if you'd share as many details (including one or more screen-videos) regarding your experience of this.


In the meanwhile, it'd also be great for you to double-check your devices' operating system is fully up-to-date. That could do the trick and have the app behavior force-sync with the desired settings once you restart it.


Let us know how you get on. We'll be here 🙂 

Mario Moderator
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Thank you for your answer!
I sure can do more screens, but from what it would be most helpful?

I have three devices and yes, they are all up do date. In all of them are marked to autoplay. 
And yes, it does the same all of the lists.
But as I noticed today, it starts to play after the end of my list, but pulls songs from my other lists, and they are not "similar songs".
For example, I was listnening very peacful instrumental list, and after it ended, it started to play "dance" songs, wich are in some of my other lists. 

At first this feature was one of my favorites in Spotify, to find so many new content to my different lists, as it throwed new SIMILAR songs after it got in the end, but not anymore...

If I can think of anything, it might started to act like this after Big Sur install..
But I can't be sure..

I can also see this, but I don't think, it really does that...I can also see this, but I don't think, it really does that...
I also see this, but I don't think, It really plays it..

Hi there @lauratoomesoo,


Thanks for the info.


Can you let us know if you can start Song/Playlist Radio normally on your computer?


Another thing you can try is to create a free test account and check whether Auto play works normally on that one.


Keep us posted.

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I've been trying different lists in the past days...

Yes, I can start listnening normally, but autoplay still doesn't work as it use to. 
In some lists it just stops and in some it starts playing songs from my other lists. 


I fell in love with autoplay just because it brought so many new artists to me, wich I liked, based my listnening and similar to specific lists, but it does't do that anymore...

Hi @lauratoomesoo,


Thanks for getting back to us. 


Just to confirm, were you able to log into a different account to see if the issue persists? 


You can ask a friend or a family member to do so or you can create a new test account with a different email address to see how it goes.


Keep us in the loop. 

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I have the same problem too

Hey there @AlvisTony


Thanks for reaching out about this and welcome to the Community. 


Could you let us know which troubleshooting steps you've already tried? That way we can avoid repeating any steps.


Also, we'd like to know if this happens across devices or only on a specific one.


We'll be on the lookout.

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