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Blend/Taste Match availability


Blend/Taste Match availability






Galaxy Note8, iPhone XS, ThinkPad T480

Operating System

Android Pie, iOS 14.2, Ubuntu 18.04


My Question or Issue

Hi, I'm posting this to request information about the new Spotify "Blend" feature.



  • Some Spotify users recently received the option to "Create a blend" in the Spotify app's "Home" tab.
  • This option allows users to invite others to "join a blend" with a message as follows:
  • Joining a blend gives both users a match percentage and access to a 50-song playlist from users' collections.
  • This feature has appeared for multiple users in New Zealand, using android devices.
  • Invitations can be accepted even if the option to "Create a blend" is not available for that account.


Issue: the option to "Create a blend" is not available on my devices and I cannot find Spotify Blend support information online. Is there any published information on this feature and its availability/global rollout plan?


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Hey @mkatzef,

Spotify is currently testing a new personalized feature called Blend. Blend will merge the musical tastes of two users into one curated playlist made just for them. We’ll have more details to share in the coming weeks.


We'll be here if you have any other questions.

Mihail Moderator
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Hey @mkatzef,

Spotify is currently testing a new personalized feature called Blend. Blend will merge the musical tastes of two users into one curated playlist made just for them. We’ll have more details to share in the coming weeks.


We'll be here if you have any other questions.

Mihail Moderator
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if I join a blend, will the music update over time? Or will the playlist be the same? 

Hey @M14koda,


Thank you for reaching out to us here in the Community.


We can confirm that these playlists update over time.


We'll be here if you have any other questions.



Mihail Moderator
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Hi there,


I just want to know if this feature is/will be available on desktop app or web player.


Just wondering if multiple blend playlists can be created or will there only be one per user?

Hi there @MiggyBalba and @annah124,


Thank you for replies in this thread.


As for now, we don't have any other info about future platform availability.


Yes, you can have multiple blends 🙂


Let us know if we can help you with anything else.


Take care!

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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

How do you create multiple spotify blend playlists?

Hi there @TJ_18


Thanks for reaching out about this here in the Community. 


You can create multiple blend playlists following these steps: 


1. Tap Create a Blend.

2. Tap Invite to invite another user.

3. Choose the other user you'd like to invite.

4. The user you choose will then receive a message with the invite.

5. Tap Spotify.

6. Tap Join to create the Blend.


If you have any questions, just let us know.

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

how often does it update?

Hi there @marszine,

Thank you for your your post.


Blend should be updated daily if it has data to update from. You can read more about it here under Put it all together with Blend.

If you have any further questions, the Community is always happy to help.



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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

Hi, but my blend hasn't been updated for 13 days now 😞

Hi @marszine,


Thank you for keeping us on the loop.


In order to help you better, we suggest you open a new thread here. If you don't mind, make sure to share the following info on your new post:

  • A screenshot of your Blend playlist 
  • The URI of the playlist
  • The make, model and operative system of the device you're using
  • Your Spotify app version

This info will help us to investigate.


We'll keep an eye out for your new thread 🙂

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If I make my blend visible to my profile can others (either than the two sharing the blend) listen to it? If it is public can people see that I'm listening to it on activity?

Hey @oliviaconnor,


Thanks for the post.


Since the Blend playlist is made especially for the two users sharing it, it won't be visible on your profiles and accessible to others.


Hope this clears things up. 🙂

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Hi, can my friends see me listening to a blend that belongs to me and someone else? Will my blend's playlist be displayed on my activity? Does the playlist being private affect whether others can see me listening to it?

Hi @sugondeeznutz,


Welcome to the Community!


As @Alex mentioned above, your Blend playlists won't be visible for anyone else but you and the other person and it won't appear in you listening activity, so your followers won't see it when you're listening to it.


If you have any other questions, the Community is here for you.


Cheers 🙂

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Hi, I just made a new blend with one of my friends. He was able to check our taste similarity percentage on his mobile Spotify app, unfortunately, I've not been able to do the same on my PC app. Is it possible to check your taste similarity percentage on a blend on a Spotify PC, if so how do I do it please? Thanks

Hey @omarhazari,


Thanks for posting in the Community.


It is currently not possible to view the percentage match on the desktop app.


But as we constantly strive to improve the user experience on our platform, we hope to see this feature implemented for the desktop app aswell some day.


Hope this helps,



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it will change daily 

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