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Deprecating Preview clips

Deprecating Preview clips

Hi everyone,

The Song Previews of playlists, albums, artist, track pages and Liked Songs were recently deprecated. Preview clips will still be available on any assisted curation and the Add songs feature under Liked Songs and playlists.

Your constructive feedback on this change is important, so don't hesitate to share it here! Let us know how you think the Song Previews could have been improved in order to provide a better user experience.

Rest assured this thread is actively being monitored and your input is taken into account by the relevant teams, so feel free to submit your suggestions below.


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175 Replies

"we reinstated preview clips"

Then why are so many people still having this problem? This is absolutely ridiculous, just fix your app Spotify! People are obviously still complaining but I guess Spotify just doesn't care about it's users. I used to like the app but I guess I have to switch to a different platform now.

Hello everyone,

Our internal teams have confirmed that the preview clips in playlists have been reinstated to a good chunk of all free users, however, there might still be some who don't have access to them at the moment. The reinstatement of the feature will be gradual so we appreciate your patience with this - keep the app up to date and you should be getting the previews back soon.


We're happy to say that your constructive feedback on this is important as it's a main driver behind the decision making process, so do keep on sharing it here. Rest assured this thread is actively being monitored and your input is taken into account.


Take care.

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Do you know how long the reinstatement of this feature will take? It's incredibly frustrating to not be able to preview songs, and I can't even click on any of the songs in my own playlist to make a new playlist. I like to put different songs into new playlists for different occasions,  but I can't do that anymore. 



What's the point of making the reinstatement of the feature gradual? All it does it make things confusing and make it seem like your app is bugged.

I've just updated the app and it's still not available to me. Incredibly frustrating.  Thinking that removing such a critical feature and then only giving it back to a select few is the worst idea I've ever heard of.

Anyone who thinks removing a key feature like this is an "improvement" is delusional.

I'm sorry if this sounded rude or disrespectful, I know it's not the fault of anyone here, I'm just completely baffled.

Hey everyone,


We have some exciting news to share with you!


We're happy to announce that our internal teams have taken your feedback into account and reinstated the preview clips for all Free users! You should now be able to preview the tracks in your or your friends' playlists, as well as in some Spotify-created ones - just make sure you're running the latest version of Spotify.


Note that it may take some time before the latest update is pushed out to you. You may also need to log out and sign back in to your account in order for the changes to take effect. You can do that from the app's Settings > Log out.


Thanks again for making Spotify better! The Community is always here if something else comes up.

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What is it with Spotify's obsession to "fix" things that weren't even broken in the first place? This update was completely unneeded. I used to have alot of fun making playlists and going through other peoples to find new songs, but now it's just infuriating.


I hate to be rude, but the developer team seems to ruin everything they touch. Every new update that comes out is disappointment after disappointment.


Is there anyway to revert this at all? If this is some type of "push this feature out to a few people to see if it goes well, then push it out to everyone later if it does" thing, I want to know if theres a way to opt out. And if it is that, I want to beg Spotify to not push out this feature to everyone. It's a horrible change to playlists, and it has more downsides than benefits.

I've just updated the app and it's still not available to me. Incredibly frustrating.  Thinking that removing such a critical feature and then only giving it back to a select few is the worst idea I've ever heard of.

Anyone who thinks removing a key feature like this is an "improvement" is delusional.


I'm sorry if this sounded rude or disrespectful, I know it's not the fault of anyone here, I'm just completely baffled.


The new look and feel is awful and unusable. It was very intuitive before and it made the experience worthwhile to roam through similar music or just see where I left off. Now, I feel totally lost, unnerved by the layout I cannot even change. I also cannot delete stuff I just listened into and didn't like. It is on the homescreen no matter I want it or not. 
I don't know who thought about that new feature, but rethink it. The app is a pain in the back now and I actually don't like using it anymore. This was not a minor change, this was huge. 
Spotify after all is not TikTok. Why change it to be a copy of something? Be your own brand, be unique, be bold. That change was nothing of that. For me it doesn't work at all. There might be people that like the layout. Thus, why not think of a homescreen I can organize myself in terms of layout and options. That would at least be innovative. Copying what everyone does is not. It is rather disturbing.

Just my opinion though.
Hope it helps to understand people's frustration with the new layout.



How do you disable this TikTok-**bleep**? Seriously, I don't ever want this so there should be an option to disable this in the settings.

Yeah how do we turn these off? Currently they pause the current song I'm listening to and it's really annoying..


From an accessibility perspective I am not a fan of this preview feature at all.

What I find frustrating as a blind user who uses Voiceover on my iPhone is when I am swiping through the home tab in the Spotify iPhone app, I am hearing song previews and I am not able to swipe further down the page because the song previews kick in and stop me from swiping.

I would really appreciate it if you can allow user's to disable the music previews on the home tab.

I am running the latest spotify Beta.

I much prefer your previous interface which was more accessible for blind and vision impaired user's.



The not being able to preview music clips is still an issue, I’m sick of having to log out and in twice just to use the feature, I’m sure there is a simple update you guys could do to actually fix it.

I still do not have the ability to preview songs when trying to add to a playlist.

This is wasting my time. Terrible service like this is why I'll never renew my premium 

We used to be able to preview a song when searching for it when adding to a playlist. Then you took that vital feature away for no reason. People complained and you gave it back. AND NOW ITS GONE AGAIN? What gives? Is this a bug or are you just toying with your user base?

When I want to add a song to a playlist, and multiple songs come up in my search, how tf am I supposed to know the right one if I can't even listen to a few seconds of it? What do you gain by removing this feature, when we have everything to lose. Without it, creating playlists is a pain and frustrating.

I'm a bit confused. If you don't want to preview a song, just don't click on the preview button?

This has happened before, the short sample feature in the "add songs" function in playlists was taken away with no explanation, making it much harder to discover new music to add to playlists.

The sample feature includes a small play button on the album art of the song and an approx 15 second sample of the song plays, allowing the user to listen to the song and decide if it's the song they're looking for, if it fits the vibe of the playlist, etc. This is an incredibly useful function and this is the second time Spotify has removed it (the first being sometime last year, although it was reinstated after a similar post gained traction).

Please reinstate this feature, as without it music discovery becomes almost impossible.

When I to add songs with this method the songs won't play unless I go ahead and add them and listen to them in my playlist which defeats the purpose of this feature 






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That seems kinda strange, have you tried reinstalling the app to see if that fixes the issue?

MauriceMVRock Star 7
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This is by far the worst update to to happen.  Anyone who actually listens and adds to their playlists doesn't want to blindly add music without hearing a preview first. What's the point of paying for premium if they just keep taking features away.

Yeah I've reinstalled but the issue still occurs. I've also unsubscribed and subscribed to see but nothing  changed 

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