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Grayed out songs

Grayed out songs

So the issue I'm having is that I have a downloaded playlist in Spotify with some local songs in that are grayed out. The issue is that some local songs are play on mobile, but not on the desktop app and and some local songs that play on desktop, but not  on mobile. I'm not sure what the what causing this and would really love an explanation on what going on  and how to fix it.


Below are images of the same playlist on mobile and again on desktop.

1 Reply

Hey there @sonicfreak27


Thanks for searching for the answer you need here! 

We'd suggest you first change the source of the local files on your PC.


Simply create a new folder in a different directory on your device and move your local files to this folder. Then just delete the old folder used for the local files. Give a quick restart to your phone and then you can try importing the files again. 


Check out this help page for further tips on how to manage your local files. 


Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes. 

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