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How do I listen to a playlist again?

How do I listen to a playlist again?

First of all, sorry if this post is repeated- the first time I tried to submit I encountered an error, so hopefully I haven't just submitted the same question twice.


In the UK, listening on Samsung Galaxy A13, not got premium (just the free version).


I listened to a playlist all the way through, after it had finished it went onto suggested songs- I don't want to listen to suggested songs, I'd like to just keep listening to the songs on the playlist (in whatever order, on free so shuffle is on). 


I turned off autoplay but only after the suggested songs started- it now seems to be stuck on them and no matter how many times I close the app or restart my phone, it just keeps playing suggested songs and doesn't go back to the playlist. 


Is it possible to listen to the playlist again? I assume it has to be, but can't figure out how. Thanks in advance for your help!


4 Replies

Hey @BlackberryQueen,


We're sorry to see you've been facing this issue!
What happens when you select a different playlist, listen to it for a bit and then go back to the initial playlist?
If all goes well, Autoplay should disappear as soon as you switch your last listened item 🙂
We'll be on the lookout for your response!

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Hi Vasil, thanks for the response!


I listened to a couple of other albums/playlists all the way through, when they were done they looped back to keep playing the same songs like I wanted. The original playlist (the one I had the problem with at the start) still seems to be stuck on suggested songs. 

Hey @BlackberryQueen,


Could you send us a screenshot of the playlist?
We'd like to see how it looks like on your end.
Many thanks!

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Hi Vasil, thanks for waiting! I've l[istened to a few other things now and
it seems to have got it out of it's system, the original playlist is
working just fine.

Thanks for your help!

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