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Queue clears when I connect to CarPlay

Queue clears when I connect to CarPlay




United States 


iPhone 12 mini

Operating System

iOS 16


My Question or Issue

When I connect my phone to CarPlay using the car’s USB connector, my queue disappears and is gone/cleared. How do I fix this or what is the cause?

8 Replies

Hey @Schneidogg,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community and welcome.


To start investigating your case, if your car supports CarPlay both wirelessly and with a USB cable, we'd recommend trying using a wireless connection to see if it makes any difference.


Also, it would be great if you could have someone connecting their phone into your CarPlay to see if the issue persists or not. This will give us a better look at the issue.


We'll be on the lookout.

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Thank you. I will try to connect my phone to CarPlay via wireless connection and let you know if it connects. My sense is that the hard connection is causing the queue to clear. I will let you know.

The model of CarPlay and car combination won’t allow CarPlay wirelessly. The demand for data is too great via Bluetooth. It has to be connected through the usb cable. Let me know your thoughts. 

Hey @Schneidogg,


Thanks for getting back to us!

Did you have the chance to test it with another account as @Oscar suggested. This will help us understand if it's account related or not. 


On another note, for how long have you been experiencing this? Does this started occurring after a recent update?

It would also be great if you share with us the Spotify version you're currently running. If you don't know how to check it - go to this FAQ.

Keep us posted,


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No, I haven’t tried it with another account and likely won’t because that’s too cumbersome. 

I’ve only experienced this three times that I recall. 

My iPhone is up to date and The version of Spotify is 

i think one contributing factor could be plugging in the phone before the car’s entertainment/HVAC electronic panel boots up upon starting the car. After 15-20 seconds, the car’s entertainment system is fully booted up and then I think you can plug in your phone. I think delaying connecting your phone until after the boot up sequence will help prevent the Spotify queue from being cleared. 

Hi there @Schneidogg,

Thanks for the post.


The fact that you plug in your phone before the car infotainment system loads up, could be clearing the queue indeed. 


We'd recommend waiting for the car's onboard system to boot up entirely (maybe a minute or two) before connecting your phone.


Let us know if that works consistently.

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It happened again. The queue cleared after connecting to CarPlay with the usb cable. Also, I waited for it to boot up first.


This time after it cleared the queue, there was another strange thing that occurred. Instead of the queue being listed, under the current podcast which was playing I got a message for “up next” for a podcast called Rise Science. However, all of the episodes under the heading were from a different podcast called The Happiness Lab. Another glitch to be examined. I will include a screenshot. Thanks. 


Hi there @Schneidogg,

Thank you for your reply. We're sorry to see that you're having these issues. Let's continue to investigate.


Can you remove your cached data and see if that makes any difference? This will make sure there’s no old cache files causing this After that, reinstall the app.


We'll keep an eye out for your reply.


Have a great continue weekend 🙂

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