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Recommended songs broken/not refreshing


Recommended songs broken/not refreshing







Desktop PC

Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

The recommended songs at the bottom of my main playlist never change or update. Upon hitting refresh the whole UI breaks, duplicating the songs already in the recommended list underneath, overflowing the window (covering the refresh button).

I've tried updating, redownloading and installing, creating a new playlist with the same songs (still has the same recommended songs).

Adding a song from the recommended also causes this overflow break and then instead of adding a new song to the recommended list, duplicates the ones left.
If I add all the songs in the recommended list the entire recommended option disappears and is replaced by the 'find more' option. 
If a song is added from recommended, Spotify rebooted and then removed from the playlist the song simply gets put back into the recommended.
Have I just completely broken the recommended algorithm to the point where it has no more songs to recommend?




32 Replies

Also been having this issue for YEARS.

We should not have to do all this. WE ARE PAYING for a reason. If this is an issue, than it has to be fixed; it’s not fair for the buyers to be having to spend extra energy doing useless things like logging back in when Spotify should be fixing their bugs in the first place.

What should we do when we don't even see recommendations under the playlist?

I do no think it is accurate to describe this bug as "very isolated". This happens every time with any longer playlist. While I am sure that most playlists on Spotify are not over 200 songs in length, 200 is not that large of a number. I suspect there are more than a few playlists this long on Spotify. 


I do agree this is not the highest priority bug, but it is an important feature that is broken every time under easily repeatable circumstances.


As a software developer myself, I feel like the fix for this bug is probably straight forward. The problem is probably a hard-coded limit somewhere in the recommendation code. The quick fix is probably to simply make that limit very large. A better fix would be to use some sort of dynamic collection instead of a fixed-length data structure in the component responsible for the recommendations. 


In other words, this bug is probably a very good example of "low hanging fruit" that should be near the top of the non-critical bugs-to-fix list.

I didn’t see this specific issue when I tried searching it here. For about a year or two my recommended songs have stopped refreshing at the bottom of my playlists on mobile & desktop, iPhone and MacBook. It displays a “refresh” button without displaying any recommended songs to add. Similarly, my daily mixes also do not refresh although those aren’t as important to me.


However when I log into a different account, the recommended songs show up as normal. 


I’ve contacted Spotify support on Twitter several months ago who walked me through every possible step of reinstalling the applications with no luck. They determined the only fix was for them to manually move my account to a new one where the feature was working, but I was hesitant to do because I have a lot of playlists and followers I didn’t want to lose. Surely this isn’t the only fix? 

Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 21.54.29.png




The Netherlands


Macbook Air M2, Ipad 7th gen, Windows 11 PC (ryzen) and iPhone 11 Pro

Operating System

4 different


My Question or Issue

Hi, I noticed a while back that recommended songs in spotify are extremely broken to the extent that they are really unusable. I used to really like this feature and I am sad that it has 'disappeared'. The recommend songs only cycle through around 15 songs and most are already in my playlist. When I looked into this issue you called it 'fixed' and said that all I needed to do was update, but it still does not work on any of these devices listed above.


Could you please fix this issue?


The screenshot is from my macbook, where I have literally one playlist downloaded and it still recommends 3 songs already downloaded (and two other are also added but as different versions of the same song).





The Netherlands


IPhone 14 Pro

Operating System

(iOS 17.2


My Question or Issue

The recommended songs in my playlist dont change or fit in the genre that i listen too

i tried to uninstall the app and logging in and out but it wont change the problem

I have this issue for almost 3 weeks and its getting me a bit frustrated 😞


Still happening, is there any development on this issue?

Nope lol, Spotify said that they view this as an isolated problem and pretty much said they're not gonna fix it.


I'm having the same problem as well, and it started a couple of days ago. Any playlist I make, old playlist I refresh, etc does this now. Kinda Frustrating.

ever since last weekend the recommended songs on spotify playlists have just been tweaking major. they keep on showing the same songs every time even though i already have those songs added in my playlist. it will barely recommend new songs and at some point it just stops showing new songs and just completely breaks. someone please explain how to fix this it's super annoying i've switched to apple music now because this is just bs bruh.

I'm  having the same issue, redownloaded the app, did updates, nothing fixes it.

The recommended songs feature doesn't work anymore. It will recommend the same song (same album, same release, identical track) over and over again, without adding any new songs no matter how many times you refresh. Im going to delete spotify if this continues, ive updated the app and redownloaded it more than once.

I’m also having the same issue! What the **bleep** is going on?? It started about a week ago.

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