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Why am I not allowed to enjoy my playlist in its entirety

You ridiculous limit means that I am always listening to the same fifty songs : USELESS !!!!

Your interface because of this limit is absolutely worthless and source of immense frustration

What is the point of having a playlist if you have limited my use of it ???

Basically I paying you so that you can prevent me from listening to my music ?

Why use a paid service when I could do this for free and not be limited at all ?

This makes me want to change my music app; which is what I am currently looking into

Thanks you for making be believe that Spotify was a user friendly application 

Now that I have used it it feels like a chinese or russian app where I am prevented from using it as I please because OF COURSE, you know BETTER DON'T YOU ?

Signed a dissatisfied user, soon to be ex user

I don't wish you anything for making my appreciation of music so unpleasant and restricted 





99 Replies

I can not believe this hasn't been fixed yet.

Hi Spotify devs.

I can only add up to 81 songs in my queue before it stops working as intended. Could we please return to an unlimited queue for users to see and manage? I realize that not many will manually go through and create such a long queue, but for those that do, not being able to add more than 81 songs is a HUGE pain point. I enjoy adding a few albums and artists each day in the morning for when I work. It's a terrible user experience to have to keep going back to add in. Thank you for your time and I sincerely hope that this "issue" is fixed. Best regards.

For anyone still dealing with this queue limit issue, please upvote my post in the Ideas section:

This issue has now been ongoing for over six months. I wasted a few minutes discussing it with the customer service pop-up thing, and was eventually advised to give feedback on this community forum. Feedback:


1. This topic has not had a staff reply for three months now. An update is overdue. As of the sixth of March, it was confirmed that 'the right teams have this on their backlog.' Although asking for an exact date is understandably pointless, could you please suggest an approximate calendar month when the right teams might reach this stage of their backlog?

2. When you break a feature of your paid service in a software update, fixing/restoring it to its previous state is not an 'Idea' which your customers should have to request via a service which has been deliberately crafted to be easily ignored.

i doubt it'll do anything but i upvoted it .. i'm still waiting but the way they don't even further address or say anything for 3 months .. very bad customer service. like give us a discount or sth 😄 what a pain in the ass

Hi all

Thanks all for corroborating with me on this issue.

As previously mentioned I have given up altogether on using the queue system (in its current state).

I thought that I had found work around, that by ignoring the 'queue approach', I could listen unhindered to my complete playlist  (1495 songs)

Apparently even this isn't allowed, for after a certain number of tracks, Spotify will 'provide' the songs I'm listening to, rather than source them from my own playlist.

Visibly Spotify knows better than I what I really want to listen to !



this really is just a classic example of a social media platform removing a liked feature for little to no reason, I guarantee in about a years time spotify will try and bring this back and hype it up like it is a new exciting feature.

i don't think everyone is affected by this, that's the point

any news?????

Maybe it's different for the windows desktop client, but while the playlist shows me only 81 songs, I know that's not all that actually play. I can tell because I can watch it finish a song and add yet another to the bottom as a brand new 81st song. I do wish it would show me ALL of the songs on the playlist, as I'm kind of curious how many are on it, but as far as I can tell it's playing all of them, just only shows the current song and the next 81.

When I delete songs from the end of my que it is now deleting songs fromt he front of the que as well, what is going on?

you seriously increase your subscription and still didn't fix this?? can you at least give us an answer what's being done? the fact it has almost 100 replies and NOTHING is being **bleep**ing done is ridiculous.

I don't know if it will actually have any influence on this issue as a whole, but I also hate this glitch. And my limit just recently went down to 75 instead of 81?!? Why is it not only somehow still not fixed yet, but also apparently getting worse? Ridiculous. 

any updated?

can i delete my account and start again or sth?

You know what's so funny? All of those examples links are inaccessible/removed now. Or maybe I just don't have "sufficient permissions", haaaa


Queue is broken even further in the latest update.

Any songs you add past 80 removes all already added songs past 80.

So the 80 is now a pretty hard limit.



can a mod answer? this is insane, it's been an effing year **bleep**

One year later and still not resolved. Tells us a lot about the focus of Spotify. Makes you wonder what other problems are out there that they choose not to stack rank this higher than new features and other defects. Maybe the cost of fixing is just too big or maybe it's a resource issue because of previous architectural decisions made in the app history. 
What I find odd is that the queue appears to stay at 81, but the play back just randomly stops. I've not been able to detect a pattern of behaviour, but it does appear that there may be a number of defects here that are interacting to create the problems that we are frustrated with.
Maybe the queue is updating correctly, and the real problem is something that isn't obvious. The fact that the playlist only shows 81 songs may be unrelated to the issue of being able to listen to a playlist that has a large number of songs.

Just got here after queuing a bunch of new songs to explore and listen to, just to find out I wasted about half an hour of adding to queue as they just didnt appear in my queue after around 80 songs as youve all said 😕 looks like ill have to just make a playlist and delete from it in future. Really sad to see this got no attention for so long and was ignored completely with no news on what they were going to do, even saying they wont change it is some communication 

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