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Album Artwork on iPhone

Album Artwork on iPhone

I just spent about 2 hours last night trying to get some local files onto my itunes, then onto spotify, then onto my phone. This was all unnecessarily complicated, but I got the job done. Now the problem that I can't seem to fix myself (and yes I have searched around for solutions already) is that the album artwork that I added into itunes before I added them to spotify, shows up on the mac, but not on the iPhone app.

4 Replies

Having the SAME exact problem. Last night I downloaded a little bit over 100 songs, edited all tags, track info, and album artwork in iTunes and MP3 Tag. I then transferred the files over to Spotify, Everything worked fine on my PC, but whenever I play my downloaded local files on my iPhone, the artwork is gone. All the track info and tags stayed consistent though. 

Hello @youngsebster 

make sure the artwork is 800x800 pixels 

Make sure the artwork is 800x800 pixels 

Hey! It worked! Thanks so much for the help you just saved my OCD

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