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App crashing while online

App crashing while online






iPhone xr

Operating System

iOS 13.3.1


My Question or Issue

While connected to the internet (or not in offline mode) spotify causes my phone to quickly get very hot and spotify crashes, after playing for around 15 seconds.


This doesn't happen in offline mode or if I disable mobile data and WiFi.

I tried all the usual stuff (restarting the phone, closing background apps etc.). When I reinstalled spotify that seemed to help initially but after a couple of days the issue returned.


Any other solutions?

2 Replies

Hey there @Para199x


Thanks for reaching out to the Community about this. 

Just to confirm, have you tried a clean reinstall instead of the regular one? We recommend this step as it'll remove the old drivers first and then install the new ones. It'll also get you the latest version of Spotify. These changes tend to solve issues like the one you're experiencing.


Give your device a quick restart as well before you open the newly installed app.


It's also a good idea to log in to your Spotify account on another device just to check if you observe the same. If it doesn't occur on a different device, we'd suggest making sure that your original device is up to speed with any software updates available.

Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes. 

I will try that specific procedure but it took a couple of days for the issue to come back after the quick reinstall.

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