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Applink on UK Ford Focus

Applink on UK Ford Focus



I have a 2013 Focus with Ford Sync. The Spotify app on my iPhone 4 is detected as a generic Bluetooth/USB media device and plays over the car's speakers OK, but how do I get it to work with the Applink so I can have voice control of my playlists etc? All I can do at the moment is the standard play/pause/forward/back. The lack of practical information on using Spotify with AppLink is depressing - I'm not even sure if it's supposed to work over BT or if I should be connecting it via USB.


Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

The instructions indicate you connect via USB.

Thanks for the link. I have seen that page before but it's US-centric. Suffice to say, whether I connect via USB or BT it doesn't seem to behave any differently. I'm wondering if my car even supports Applink (research done before purchasing it suggested it did).

There's a form on one of the pages which shows the 2013 Focus should work but it might just be on the other side of the pond.

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