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Can't 'Like' or 'Dislike' Radio Songs

Can't 'Like' or 'Dislike' Radio Songs

Over the past couple of weeks I have lost the abiltiy to 'Like' or 'Dislike' songs on the radio On my iPhone 5s.  When I attempt to 'Like' or 'Dislike' a song I get a message that says "Something went wrong".  However, in troubleshooting I discovered that I can still 'Skip' a radio song.


As part of my troubleshooting effort, I started and stopped the Spotify app and then uninstalled an reinstalled the Spotify app.  Did a Google search looking for a solution but could not find one.  Attempted several searches on Spotify looking for a solution without success.  This is pretty frustrating.  While I really like Spotify the lack of support is appalling.  Any ideas on what to try next would be appreciated.

36 Replies

I have this exact same problem. Really annoying.

Same here, I feel like it started around the same time as the last update?

Appreciate the replies.  Confirms that this not just a 'me' problem.  Further troubleshooting indicates that this is definitely a Spotify problem.  Seems that Spotify servers are overloaded and cannot properly handle their user capacity.  A couple of days ago the 'Like or Dislike' function started working again.  It has now quite working again. 😞


Just to prove that the problem is not related to my cellular provider Verizon, I tested this on Wi-Fi and still could not 'Like or Dislike' particular songs.  I can still skip a song which more or less indicates that my up-link to Spotify is working.  Still mystified that no one at Spotify has even acknowledged this problem. 😞


It's getting really frustraing.


I just created a new station and it keeps playing one artist who is driving me crazy. I can't get it off!


Tried closing and reopening Spotify. Tried shutting down my phone. Still having issues.

Uninstalled spotify. Reinstalled. Like / dislike worked once. This is getting frustrating, over two weeks now not working correctly.

Having the exact same issues. Thinking about switching back to Pandora Radio... 

Despite a recent Spotify app udpate, much to my complete amazement this situation continues.  I tried (and will try again) to figure out a way to contact Spotify Support regarding this issue.  In my previous attempts I could not find any links for Spotify Support.  Perhaps my biggest concern is that many of these companies, like Spotify, do not feel that they need to offer any support because many of their services are mostly free other than needing to put up with annoying ads.  Nothing could be more untrue.  As a result I am seriously contemplating returned to Pandora.  At least they offer support to their users. 

I am frustrated as well, it seems that the like/dislike 'magically' works about one time every two weeks or so, but other than that...

Despite the fact that this is an apparent Spotify software problem, Spotify seems to be completely ignoring the problem.  I have tried on multiple occasions to figure out how to 'officially' notify Spotify about this problem.  However, there is no link to actually report a problem to Spotify.  You have to have 'special' status to report a bug in the bug section of the support.   This persistent lack of any customer support whatsoever is very disappointing.  The idea that customer support can be handled via an unmonitored bulletin board is ludicrous.


Installed iOS 8.1 with Spotify Version 1.8 with the hope that it would fix this persistent problem.  No such luck.


HEY SPOTIFY TECHNICALSUPPORT can you pls contact me or post back to this thread to acknowledge that your software is broken?  At this point I am ready to abandon Spotify and go back to Pandora. 😞




Yeap really liked spotify, enough to pay for premium  for a while then I just started noticing things ike this and a few other things...I can click on the adds for add free music but i cant like/dislike a song. I will be going to Pandora or Google Music for a while. If/when they fix this i may come back.

I was thinking about upgrading the Premium because it seems like a good deal, but if Spotify doesn't even acknowledge problems, much less fix them, I'm going to have to switch to another service. This is actually ridiculous.

Thanks for replying!  My personal frustration level is through the roof.  Even after Tweeting @SpotifyCares the problem continues.  I have even offered to work with Spotify’s engineers to see if they can resolve the problem.  As a note, I just upgraded to Spotify 1.9 and the problem continues.  The lack of even the acknowledgement of the problem let alone a solution is maddening.  Does Spotify understand the damage to their brand here?  It appears not.

Agree.  Not much value here.  This problem has been going on for quite a while.  No acknowledgement of the problem by Spotify.  Sad.

Hi everyone.


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you here.


If you haven't done so already, please let us know the following information about the device you're using:

- Model

- iOS version

- Spotify version 

- The error message you're seeing


Also, just in case any of you guys need support in the future, we have an email contact form here and a Twitter support handle here.




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Thanks for responding.  Here is my info:


- Model - Apple iPhone 5s

- iOS version - iOS 1.8.1

- Spotify version -

- The error message you're seeing - "Something went wrong."


I appreciate Spotify 'finally' looking into this as the problem has been going on for over 45 days.  Several postings and a couple of tweets have only said Spotify will look into this. However, there has been no acknowledgement whatsoever that there is a problem with the Spotify app.  Yes, I know users make mistakes but based on several user reports in this thread this is not an isolated issue.  Additionally, hundreds of views of this thread also indicate that many people are wondering what is going on with Spotify?


Again, thank you for taking action on this problem.




P.S.  Other things that I have found in troubleshooting.  Although I cannot 'Like' or 'Dislike' a particular radio song, I can skip ahead to the next song.  I have also found the problem is consistent whether I am on cellular service or WiFi. (This would indicate that the issue is not related to bandwidth constraints or network connectivity.)  I have also found that if I go to another radio station that the Like/Dislike function 'partially' works for few minutes.  However, the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons do not change colors.  They just gray out.  Based on the symptoms that I have observed over the past 45+ days is the problem seems to be a capacity issue on Spotify's servers.  (My best guess not having any idea how your system is architected or engineered.)

- Model - Apple iPhone 5c

- iOS version - iOS 8.1 (12b411)

- Spotify version -

- The error message you're seeing - "Something went wrong."


I have found the problem shows up right after I hear an ad. After an ad if i switch playlists I can then like/dislike music again till the next ad playes and the like/dislike buttons get disabled. Switch to a new playlist and they work again. I have tested this on my end numerous times over the last day and a half and this is very repeatible.


Are you a paid subscriber or the free version that gets ads?


Free version.  However, from everyone's postings it appears the problem impacts both free and paid subscribers.

I'm using an iPhone 5.


Having issues on wifi and on my cellular network.

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