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Cover flow

Cover flow

Premium Plan


iPhone 7+ iOS 12.4


My Question or Issue

With the recent update, listening in the car, while charging, the cover or album flow used to stay on. It was easy to one touch forward or back to listen to the next or previous song. Now it fades to the lock screen. It is an older vehicle with a line in function on the radio. Am I doing something wrong??



2 Replies

Hey @Fleetsoup,


Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the issue. Could you provide more details about the issue? Like does this appear on software like CarPlay or the phone itself? (Basically, clearly describe the issue in steps e.g.)




This is a standard hifi system in a 2008 vehicle. Music is played through my phone via an aux to lightning cord.

I play my liked songs and switch to cover flow on my phone. This makes it easier to forward to the next song if I feel like it.

Before the latest Spotify update, The cover flow screen would stay on while driving. Now the screen fades to lock.

If I want to advance to the next song, I have to unlock my Iphone now. 

No other changes were made to the phone.

Now if I want the cover flow screen to stay active, I have to turn my screen auto-lock to 'off'

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