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Deleted Musics

Deleted Musics

Ok... third time now that all my songs are completely vanished from my iphone. Every now and them sometinh trashy happens to spotify app and and have to redownload all my musics again... and it takes a lot of time that it's totally unreasonable, specially considering i'm a premium user. 


As if it was not enough, now my musics won't start downloading... the app just says "wainting for download"


I already tried reseting the app, reinstaling it, and nothing... Oh... and before someonw asks, off course i have enough storage space... 


Is this problem as commom as that? really, am I to expect more of these in the future? if so, why am i paying for these services? 

1 Reply

You will find that your music is safe. After having a heart attack yesterday I logged in on my laptop to find everything safe and sound.

The app update on 11/03 messed up something but I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

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