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Down voting is broken

Down voting is broken

I am running the current version of Spotify (as of May 2019) on an iPad Air 1 on iOS 12.x and have been experiencing a problem with downvoting songs within playlist radio stations. When I down vote the song I don't like not only that song but also the next one in line is being down voted and skipped. So more precisely I press the down vote button and it registers the vote, and then not just moves on to the next song but to the one AFTER that. I cannot know for sure if the next song in the queue is being downvoted as well but it sure seems that way. Hope that makes sense.
3 Replies

I should probably add that I have already attempted to delete and reinstall Spotify and it did not fix this issue. Also, I can prevent this from happening via this trick: I skip forward to the next song and like it. Then I skip back and dislike the previous song. If I do that then next song is not being skipped and starts playing. This to me is an indication that the app is disliking two consecutive songs. Finally, this problem is neither ocurring on my iPhone nor my Android phone.

Hey @molecool.


Thanks for reaching out to us about this 🙂


This should be fixed for iOS users (see this post here for more info) - you just need to make sure you're on the latest OS version on your phone.


Let us know how it goes! Hit us up if you're still having trouble after updating 😉

Actually I'm running 12.3.1 - which until the iOS 13 upgrade is the
latest version.

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