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Is it possible to use the Ipod Nano in combination with spotify?

Is it possible to use the Ipod Nano in combination with spotify?

16 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Yes, but only to sync local files which you already own to the device. 

Have a read at this topic which details syncing functionality with iPods 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Peter, the topic says:


This system can only work when there is a Spotify app to manage the music, keeping it "in the system". The iPod doesn't support any apps. So, if it were possible to sync streaming music to an iPod, this would mean that the people who created the music wouldn't get any further income when it is enjoyed.

When I read this, its says its not possible.


Spotify doesn't recognized my ipod. When I go to devices its says: connect your ipod, but the ipod is connected with the laptop. The laptop recognizes the ipod, but spotify doesn't  

Do you mean I have to buy the files or is it enough to download them to the local?

You would need to own those local files which you want to transfer, it can't be offline content from Spotify. 

What generation of iPod is it? There is currently no support for iPods with lightning connectors.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I want to be able to use an iPod instead of an iPhone with spotify, when running. I have the premium subscription and a shuffle, yet it will only play local files (I presume that these are files I have purchased?) which I haven't done as I am paying £10 a month! If I upgrade to an iPod touch, does this change the scenario? It seems mad that you have to buy music as well as pay for the subscription....Thanks Katy

There is currently no support for iPods with lightning connectors.


But we're working on adding that as soon as possible.

Community Ergo Sum

What is a listening connector? thanks Katy

I bought the Ipod nano last week, its a new one. So at the moment it is not possible to connect with spotify?

@femke80 wrote:

I bought the Ipod nano last week, its a new one. So at the moment it is not possible to connect with spotify?

Nope, the issue connecting iPods using lightning connectors (6th and 7th gen) is still an open bug case (as mentioned above), the main topic is here.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok, final question I have an iPod shuffle, which is quite old, this is recognised by spotify but it won't allow me to play tracks without buying them , which seems crazy as I have paid the premium subscription in... Is there any ipod device that allows you to play spotify tracks that you have not actually purchased, if you have signed up for the premium option? t

@Katym wrote:
Ok, final question I have an iPod shuffle, which is quite old, this is recognised by spotify but it won't allow me to play tracks without buying them , which seems crazy as I have paid the premium subscription in... Is there any ipod device that allows you to play spotify tracks that you have not actually purchased, if you have signed up for the premium option? t

You would need an iPod touch for that, since it is the only iPod which supports the Spotify application. 

The is a legacy application for older devices which run iOS 4, and the most recent client is supported on iOS 5 and 6.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok, just to be absolutely clear, if I buy an iPod touch and keep the premium subscription I will then be able to play all my tracks?( none of which I have purchased) I am checking as I have also read that people have experienced issues with iPod touch and spotify, and want to be sure before purchasing. Thanks

I have never owned an iDevice, so I have no experience but you should be able to play all of your Spotify content on an iPod Touch, as well as download playlists for offline listening (and all the other premium features).



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yes. Any new iPod Touch will work with Spotify.

Community Ergo Sum

When you have a Internet signal and when you do not? Thanks!


You need to have a Premium account to be able to use Spotify on your ipod Touch.

If you have a Premium account you can sync playlists for offline use.

Community Ergo Sum

Thanks..really helpful!

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