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Not all artists will show up in Music Library on iOS

Not all artists will show up in Music Library on iOS

For some reason, only some of the artists I follow are in my Music Library. I'm following 2,000 artists but only, like, a hundred appear where it even says "All artists you follow will appear here" while it's loading. I'm on iOS 10, but it's been happening since I had iOS 1. Yes, I tried looking in "Following" under my profile; yes, I tried unfollowing them and then following them again; yes, I tried using every single piece of advice for how to stop Spotify from crashing or reloading after I've followed them; yes, I know the glitch doesn't happen on computers, 1 of which I have in my home, but artists that don't show up on my library there it says I'm not following, even though whenever I go to the profile of 1 of these lost artists on my iPad, it says I'm following them. Since there's no stream of new material artists have released going back to the earliest single by the earliest artist I'm following, if someone one doesn't fix this or add a stream with unlimited time span, I don't know how I'm going to live.

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