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Not saving after downloads

Not saving after downloads

Help. I've been downloading tunes. Green arrow says downloaded. But when I go to listen offline. Nothing there. I've deleted my app a few times and still nothing. Help!!!! iPhone 6 Plus updated
4 Replies

This happened to me at one point. Have you tried deleting the downloads and redownloading them?

Thanks for your reply. But that's deleting 3400 songs. I could try that but I don't know how accomplish a massive delete. But to do it one by one. I'll just cancel this stupid app

If you go to Your Library in the bottom right hand corner, then hit Songs, there should be  slide button below the shuffle play button. If you hit that it should undownload the songs and then you should be able to hit it again to redownload them once that finishes.

Tried that. It won't save. It'll download but won't save. I think I need to do a massive erase in order to save it offline. Or Apple Music is looking pretty good right bout now. Lol

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