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Saving Songs Offline - Bandwidth Usage?

Saving Songs Offline - Bandwidth Usage?

I'm wondering if saving a song/playlist to play offline uses additional bandwidth than just what is used to run Spotify. Does the song have to download at all in order to be available offline?

1 Reply

Hello @levelup, welcome to the community!


When you set a song to "Offline Mode" it caches (downloads the complete song) it on your device so you can listen to it at anytime even if you are offline, this means it does not use any data if you set the app to offline mode.  If you do not set your device to offline mode before and stream every song you play, every song will use some amount of data to load. Here is more information on setting offline mode to on 🙂 The amount of data it uses also depends on what quality setting you have it set as, you can change this by going into settings, and then music quality. 

Hope this helped 🙂

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