
Help Wizard

Step 1


Small version of the album cover beside the title.

Small version of the album cover beside the title.

hey i just had a quick question that i’m hoping someone will be able to figure out. (i have spotify premium btw) i was searching through spotify user made playlists and i tapped on one and it had small album covers by the titles of the songs in the playlist but when i clicked one beside it it didn’t. idk i really liked the way it looked and i’ve never seen it before. is there a way to turn that feature on?


1 Reply

Hey @blakesmith02, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!

The 4 album artworks appear when you create a playlist and don't add a custom artwork so Spotify instead uses the songs album artworks to do that.


Was this what you wanted to know about? If there's anything else, just let me know 🙂

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