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Spotify Data Usage Issues

Spotify Data Usage Issues

Hi guys,


I am a Spotify Premium user on an iPhone 5S, on iOS 7.0.4, Spotify version Lately I have been experiencing high data usage on my phone, and have been trying to track down what is causing it. Having not downloaded any new apps, updates, etc on my 4G network, and only using my usual exercise apps and Spotify, my phone somehow managed to chew up 180 MB in 2.5 days.


This evening after work, after again being notified I had used up my extra data pack and not being able to figure out a good reason why, I decided to reset my Cellular usage statistics (Found under Settings>Cellular>Reset Statistics), purchased an extra 60 MB data pack, and then proceeded to use my phone as I usually do on the walk home. I only really used 2 apps heavily; those apps are Spotify and Map My Walk, both of which I used for roughly an hour. Right before I finished my walk home I received two simultaneous usage alert messages from my Telco, Spark, at the same time - one an 80% usage limit warning, and the other to notify me that I had again used 100% of my data cap. That's 60 MB in one hour! I browsed my cellular usage for the culprit, and found that Spotify used 58.4 MB of that available 60 MB; given I reset my cellular tracking the same time I bought the 60MB data pack, I am relatively confident Spotify is chewing up all of my data.


I love Spotify and use it a lot while out and about, however I am reluctant to keep using it if it's going to keep sucking up all of my data quota without me able to figure out why. The 3 extra data packs I have purchased in the last 3 days alone have cost me $18, and $6 of that was essentially for one hour of music. Seeing as I fork out for a monthly Spotify Premium subscription already, that's a pretty significant chunk of money going to one app.


I should also mention here that I have been using Spotify for well over a year and a half, and have previously had no issues with it burning my data like this. I have a data cap of 1.25GB per month and usually fall well under that between Spotify and the other apps that use my 4G data. I also haven't tinkered with any additional settings inside Spotify that I can think of.


If anyone here is able to help or is experiencing similar issues please let me know. I am wondering if a new update has upped a music quality setting or there is a bug causing a data leak or some such shenanigans. Thanks guys!





1 Reply

Exact same problem here!


Were you able to find a solution?



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