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WP 8.1 latest update really laggy and slow.



I have been experiencing really terrible lag with my WP spotify app lately.

When app is playing on backround and i want to change the playlist or even song, the app takes really long to respond.

So i'm experiencing really disturbing lag and freezes basically everytime i reopen the app from the background.

Sometimes the whole phone freezes for longer time when trying to open app from background.

Connection shouldn't be the problem, i have 50/50mbs 4g connection.


Please fix this, I'm starting to feel like i'm being robbed because paying 10 euros per month from a service like this is really annoying.

Windows desktop application works great, without any troubles, which is great.


I have lumia 920, and my friend has 1020 and is experiencing this same thing since latest update.


Edit. Version number is

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