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Student Discount charged immediately w/o verification

I attempted to get the student discount Spotify Premium subscription from my iPhone on the Google Chrome app and put my credit card info and went to the next page where I attempted to select my school and had no luck moving onto the next page. I tried on the Safari app, put my credit card info once again, went to the next page to select my school and still had trouble so I quit trying. I checked my bank account online and saw two immediate charges from Spotify of $5.40! I DO NOT have the Premium service (I tried logging out/logging back in and removing/reinstalling the app) and still don't have Premium. Spotify needs to set up the school verification first and if it goes through then have the credit card info put in on the next page after verification is successful with your school. As of now I just want my money back for both charges and do not wish to get Premium because of this mishap.
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