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I'm leaving Spotify due to the offline limit.

I've been a huge fan of Spotify since I first signed up for premium about three years ago, and I've reccommended it countless times and got many others into it too. However, having hit the rediculous limit of 3,333 songs available to download per device over a year ago now I've had enough.


Most days I have to go through my library 'unsaving' albums offline that I haven't had the time to check out yet, purely so I can save something new - that I'll more than likely have to delete due to this limit in the weeks/months to come.


I read a statement by someone from Spotify on the forum here before explaining that this issue is only relevant to 1% of the community as 99% of people have yet to hit that limit, therefore it's essentially not worth changing. Unbelievable. I find it very hard to believe that I'm part of that 1%, I'd suggest it's more like 5% and growing all the time as more people start to hit that limit. Either way, I think it's naieve and so shortsighted to not realise that this limit will be a problem in the future - surely Spotify understand that as their users' collection grows more people will become infuriated by this limit?


And I haven't even gone into the 10,000 track saved limit here. I'm not even gonna go there (although yes, I have hit this limit too...)


I'm going to miss Spotify for the ease of discovering new artists, and in the three years that I've been a member the interface has improved massively on IOS, but it's just not worth the upheaval of limiting my collection of music. This is something that seriously needs to be addressed going forwards, but until then my £10 a month is going to go straight into Tim Cook's pocket.

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