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Spotify lagging, crashing, freezing whenever I try changing sing, scrolling, etc.




United States


iPhone 10S

Operating System

iOS 14.2


My Question or Issue

Recently I’ve been having an issue with my Spotify app being extremely laggy while trying to scroll through my playlist, change songs, play/pause/skip, and everything else. It has also been freezing while trying to complete these actions, and this is all happening when the phone is properly cold and not overheating, as I’ve experienced this issue during hot weather. Occasionally it will crash when I try to complete these actions. I have already tried deleting the cache, uninstalling, and the entire process of a clean restart that has been suggested in other forms. This has happened to me before around a year ago and a clean restart fixed it that time but the restart has done nothing this time around. To provide a bit more context with hopes that this will be fixed, the main playlist that I have been experiencing issues with has around 3,000 songs added and downloaded offline. I thought this might be an issue, however my phone has plenty of free storage, and this was never an issue earlier this year when I also had over 3,000 songs on this playlist (I’ve been deleting some). So the problem is from something recent.

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