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Who Me Too'd this topic

Give me my premium back. I overpaid you and get a free account?? WTH??

At May this year some of us had problems with our premium accounts, we had payed but get only free access. This problem goes about two month. So, the solution was, I got three month free premium. That was great and fine, but ...
I left the payment from my bankaccount at this time. So I payed the free time (!!!) and this free time ends the last days and now I'm not longer a premium user but still a free user.
Sorry Spotify, but this is crap, absolutly crap.

If you are not able payments assigned to a user account and thus set the status correctly, your software is either worth nothing or you must go back to school.


If the problem can not be solved until the 08/20/14 Wednesdays, I will have been the longest time a Spotify user and advise against each of Spotify.

I also urge then my overpaid premium contributions incl. Interest back.

Who Me Too'd this topic