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Premium account hacked

Premium account hacked

Hello Spotify community,


This is in reference to support ticket 00944479. My Premium account has been compromised, the password has changed as well as the email address on the account. Please HALP

7 Replies

If you have got in touch already, the correct team should be able to help you out 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Hey there Peter,


It's been 2 days and I still haven't been contacted by support, it's a little troubling that a compromised account ticket would get put off for this long.

@carbs2k - I have asked someone to chase this up for you, but be aware since it is the weekend replies can unfortunately take a little longer than normal. Don't worry someone will get back to you soon!



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi carbs2K - Did you receive an automated response directing you to the Community or FAQ page at all? 

Hey Meredith,


Yes I have received that automated response.

Awesome--if you reply directly to that email (don't open a new case) it will be sure to reach the right hands. You'll hear from the team shortly--thanks!

Thanks Meredith,


I went ahead and replied to that email.

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