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How to get followers?


How to get followers?

So after being a spotify member for a year or so, and the option to follow users, artists, bands was added I was wondering if there is a way to gain more followers, it's easy for me to follow my friends and my favourite artists but not so easy to get followers. Anyone who know's any ways to gain followers please comment in this forum, thankyou.




Hey folks! We know the question of 'How do I get more followers?" is a popular one here in the Community. 


That's why we've published this post explaining our top tips for gaining followers on both your profile and playlists. 

If you've got any other great tips for users please post them in this thread, thanks!


follow me on spotify
give me a chat would love to hear what you guys listen to and any recommendations for something new being a new song or artist.
268 Replies

Follow my playlists if you want.


Hard rock and metal


70's and 80's Classics


Classical Greats


90's & 00's Hits


Last one is a work in progress though.


Follow me, I will follow back

Here are a few of my favorite playlists. Please follow if you like. I'll follow back!


BCW Prince Mix

James Brown - Get on Up!



You guys should follow up and check out my playlist/Page

I'll follow back too!


Food 4 Ur Brain

Messed up my last post... Follow these great playlists


Hard Rock and Metal


70's - 80's Classics


Classical Greats


90's - 00's Hits

Follow me, I will follow back

hi,follow me and i follow back milan022 or my edm playlist EDM MUSIC 2013/14 

follow me for a follow back on spotify darcy.long 100% follow back darcy.long

follow me for a follow back on spotify darcy.long 100% follow back darcy.long

Hello all music lovers and spotify users, check out my chillout playlist Chillout Summer Lounge (Study, Sleep, Relax) and follow if it tingles your ears. Good while you try studying, chilling with your friends (or getting stoned lol) and generally just relaxing. Happy listening 🙂



I am going to follow several of you posting here.  Please check out and follow my Alt Reggae playlist too.  Thanks

Follow my Alt Reggae playlist on Spotify

Or my Alt Reggae blog to learn more about the Genre

To all the EA Fifa fans, you know how awesome all their soundtracks have always been and this year isn't any different! Check out my Fifa 15 playlist, it's a work in progress as all the tracks haven't been released yet but it'll be done once the game is released. Happy listening :)

There are a lot of good advice in this thread, but also many who seem to want a large follower-count for some reason and ask for "follow for follow". That's fine, but for those who want followers because of their music and/or playlists, I have a few pointers. Many of those have also been mentioned before - I mean no disrespect in copying what you've already posted, I just didn't want to leave out too much in this post. 🙂


Make your playlist about something interesting!

Start off by thinking through what you want to express with your playlist. Is it your love for indie music, perhaps music from a series of games or maybe music related to food... the choices are unlimited - your imagination is the only limit. It will be far easier to keep a playlist going if you are interested in the theme yourself. Chances are that someone else is interested in the same things.


Titles matter

Now if you know what you want to focus on, name your playlist in a way that makes it obvious what it's all about. Names like "my favs" or "mixed tracks" are not really informative while "Workout at 140 BPM" or "EDM from 2014 - update weekly" is quite clear. It doesn't have to be as clear as that though - a playlist-name that only makes sense to those you want works too: "Vice City vs. San Andreas" or "xkcd 132" may work for some.


...but content matters more

Is this going to be a static playlist with content added, or more dynamic with both added or removed content? Remember that many followers want to have the same music stay in a playlist and may get frustrated if their favourite tracks are suddenly gone. If you have a playlist that will change periodically make sure that this is obvious somehow - through the title of the playlist or the info in sites where you promote your playlist. Remember to always keep your music within the theme - adding Bob Dylan to your EDM-list will probably not get a great reception.


Post your stuff everywhere

Do you post in another forum? It's a great place to advertise your great taste in music and your quality playlists. If they allow embedded content (like Spotify does on this site) copy the embed-code for your playlist and add it to your posts or your signatures. They don't allow embedded code? No problem, copy the html-link to your playlist and add that instead. Same goes for facebook, twitter - really all and any place you post online. If the music is good, people will follow and if you have more than one great playlist, they will most likely follow you as well - not only the specific playlist. Another way of sharing your playlist is through the multitude of playlist-sites. Unfortunately many of those have such a variety in playlists it has become harder to stand out. But it's always worth a try.


Now, I hope you've gotten something worthwhile here, and remember that there are actually quite a few topics right here on the community where users are asked to post their playlists - use the search bar at the top of this page to find them!

☆✩✪ Want to help out? Become a Spotify Rock Star today! ✪✩☆
Jag svarar på svenska via pm eller via twitter

Binaural track - listen with headphones with good volume!

Yo guys, check out my All For One playlist (in my signature) I wanna hear what YOU are into. so feel free to follow the playlist and add your track so we can listen together 🙂

Add your tracks!

What's a Spotify Rock Star , and how do I become one?
Do not touch
Don't touch this either
Seriously, stop

If you guys like UK house you should try this playlist "Rytmeboksen @ UK House" Its weekly updated 😉

Hi guys, would be grateful if you followed my uniiversity profile here




I will follow back 🙂


Please feel free to check out my playlists

all day

University of Winchester #justplaying

Old School

I've been using Spotify for over a year and a half and only recently have been paying attention to my followers. Sharing music with others (and vice versa) is a great thing, but how do you do it? There a number of things you can do to increase your follower list. Definitely share your profile with your friends through social media such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. You could also try promoting your playlists on sites like or Soundrop. 



On a sidenote, check out my Spotify playlist? 😄 Feel free to message me yours as well!



 Up Up Up


the view is nicer here

Screenshot (1).png

Hello all music lovers and Spotify users, hope you're doing well 🙂 I'm a 80s kid but for some reason I've always been fascinated by the 60s - the fashion, the artworks, the general mindset of the population (as being told by my parents and older relatives, in the movies etc.) and especially the music. The era created one of the most inspiring and thought provoking genre of all time, Psychedelic Rock! Even though the genre lost its appeal, to the mainstream crowd, in the following decades but it kept on inspiring many others and numerous musicians around the world. So here's the playlist, A Psychedelic Overdose, that I created hoping to entertain the new fans of the genre as well as the old ones. Happy listening 🙂


Nice playlist just do not overlook the American folk rock inspirations of that era either that help push for the emergering Southern Hard Rock bands that would follow in the early 70's. Also R+B, Blues Rock, Blues Grass, and Jazz fusion from the mid to late 60's that inspired Progressive rock bands to come in the early 70's it is all connected into an interesting web. Most of the modern country western bands and artists are not that far removed from the 70's classic rock sound now.

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