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Keep losing all my sync tracks for offline on my iphone!! They are there just not synched! Any help?


Keep losing all my sync tracks for offline on my iphone!! They are there just not synched! Any help?

Happens quite often that all the tracks on my iphone are no longer synched. I get a message saying that my device is connected to more then 3 devices, which it is not!

Any help?

115 Replies

agree - same issue here - iphone 4 - no 'too many devices' message but all tracks need resynced each time.. and what about that facebook login page that only has a cancel button?!? i have to restart multilpe times until it goes away...!?! don't start me on the memory requirement for the desktop client...


appallingly sh1t software



I got a message about having more than three devices with offline playlists. How can you "reset" the devices that are connected to the spotify account with offline playlists? It's worthless that it cancells my iphone, which does not make any sense in my opinio - the laptop would be so much easier to release...


Thanks for any help, I wasn't able to google any answer to this (spent 2 mins), so was hoping to get an answer here instead. 

There's no reset button. It's done on a "first come first serve" basis. If you have 3 devices set to synch offline (this includes laptops) then trying to synch a fourth will knock one of the previous devices off your offline list. I think it's the next device to go "online'' after the fourth is added.
I agree - It would be better to have a list if devices on the Spotify account page (like Dropbox does).

Thanks Hansholz, even tho it sucked to hear how it works. This will for sure be a pain since i've got ipad, iphone, nexus 7 and a laptop that I usually use for offline playlists. Wanted to remove the laptop (registered first). I'll have to solve it myself then. 



I recently updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 6.2.1 and started having the sync issues everyone in this thread discussed.  Everytime I open Spotify Mobile all of my synced playlists are gone and I have to resync them.  I'm afraid this is going to eat up my data plan, since I have some playlists that are 400 songs long.  I updated the app also to see if this would help, but it has not.  Any solution yet?


I do use more than 3 devices for Spotify, but not all have offline lists.  I may have to double check.  


4 would be ideal anyway.  Work, home, mobile and tablet.  I have it on computers at home, work, iPhone and iPad.   

Is anyone going to reply to this from Spotify? wtf - I just lost like 1000 songs and they won't re-sync. If you expect me to keep paying a subscription rather than going back to iTunes then sort it out or at least say wtf is going on!

It says this is solved - it is not solved.

I can't believe this, It's a quarter of the way through 2013 and this is still not solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have this same issue. I'm looking into finding a Spotify alternative because of a lack of caring for your clients Spotify.  I'm sick of paying 10 bucks a month and there isn't even a customer service option to try and get help from, even.


 Pitiful. I loved you before, now you're just pathetic.

@mother_tucker wrote:

I can't believe this, It's a quarter of the way through 2013 and this is still not solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have this same issue. I'm looking into finding a Spotify alternative because of a lack of caring for your clients Spotify.  I'm sick of paying 10 bucks a month and there isn't even a customer service option to try and get help from, even.


 Pitiful. I loved you before, now you're just pathetic.

You can contact Spotify support at any time using the online contact form 😉 



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I don't understand, I am paying for Spotify Premium and it seems that as I dont currently have internet access where I am, it randomly takes off my tracks so then it takes HOURS AND HOURS when i am connected to get my offline tracks back, what is going on????

October 25, 2013 ... Sounds to me that people are complaining about the same problem with spotify automatically turning accounts offline mode off, causing everyone to re-sync and waste data every month.

We pay $10 a month and now we have to pay 2 - 3 gb of our data plus $10. This is not what I signed up for. I never had issues till six months ago and all the sudden I find my list of songs missing (not available offline). What seems to be the problem? We pay for premium yet we don't get that ... I might as well go back to Pandora or try out the new Iradio. At least when I spend ten bucks a month ... I get to keep the songs for life.

I doubt that you guys will respond or correct the issue ... So when you have people leave your service, you will learn why but then it would be too late.

As advise to others, either go to another service or quit while you are ahead. With the newest iphone 5, ios7 and current spotify ... I am having issues in losing my music in offline mode. Oh, this problem was since ios6.

Dear community


I want a page to manage my sync devices... Somewhere where I can see which devices is synched and which is not. My playlist is currently synched on two devices and unable to be synched on the third for some reason...


I appreciate your help.




@divandupreez Welcome to the community! Thanks for the feedback. We have just the topic for you. Join the discussion in this topic and add kudos to the idea you want to see implemented.

Seems like if I reboot My iphone 5s all songs resync if I have them avaliable for offline use. This happens several times a week, I keep app updated, so not sure what the solution is. I did have spotify on more than 3 devices, so I limited it to only 3, Stll syncing all the time. So Spotify here are my gripes, only 3 devices is a real bummer especially when you can only use it on one at a time! So why does that even factor in?? The resyncing is going to push me away from spotify if not resolved, just google the problem it is wide spread. Oh yea and the constant updates are a bit annoying.Restart spotify to update! Just say'n.

I am responding to my comment that I wrote several months back.

I am still with spotify as of today and so far from my experience I would suggest everyone to call instead of posting on this community form. The key to getting anything resolved on issues like mine was to call them and get ahold of someone who knows what they are doing.

I've never received a response for this post and am assuming that they don't even look or respond. Meaning that this post is a waste of time.

I called and explained my issues over the phone (to someone know cared about our issues). Well, they didn't explain to me in what went wrong but the issue apparently was resolved. I haven't had issues since then so call if you have issues and call multiple times till you find someone who actually does their job.

Thank you spotify for correcting the issue on my device.

Thanks Shamalo

Your description really helped me, I was about to start calling tech support, which i can't find easily anywhere, but now i just give up on it, the only way i am able to listen to those songs on my iphone is to sync the entire playlists, which means the songs are taking up space on my iphone... this didn't work a couple month ago, but now it does for me. but it has not solved the real issue which is Spotify needs to patch this issue so it sources those songs just like any other songs and stops this glitch created by trying to integrate itunes music!!  by adding the local itunes files option actually created a bug so annoying i have almost decided to bail on spotify completely.  get it together!!!

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