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99 kr instead of 9

99 kr instead of 9


In Denmark, there was a offer, that I could get 3 months of premium for 9 kr if I bought it before 31/12-15. I bought it the 22nd of december, but spotify has drawn 99 kr. 

How did that happen?


- Sofie Black

1 Reply

Hi! Welcome to the Spotify community!


Have you already taken the 30 day free trial?



JOEBOT, lovingly handmade by MattSuda - I'm not the only sexy rock star, there are plenty of others that are happy to help you out. Just look for the star by their name.
I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF SPOTIFY AB. I am just a thirteen year old child trying to help out. I am not paid to help or say any views of Spotify AB or any of it's affiliates, so the least that you could do is share some kudos, or, if I helped you out, mark my post as a solution. It makes me all fuzzy inside

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