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Add people/friends without facebook accounts

I have some friends who are not on facebook but who have premium spotify accounts.


Is there way to add them to my friends toolbar?



157 Replies

I think it is needed for Spotify to know you don't want to look in the content database. 😉 



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thanks i was wondering the same thing

Help! Both my friend and I are NOT on spotify through facebook. He is added as a friend on my computer, but I cannot add him as a friend on my iphone 4gs for some reason. (I tried "spotify:user:[username] in friend search box and got "0 search results"; I clicking on a song he sent to me (just plays song, no link to his username); and I even logged and back into spotify on both my computer & my mobile app.) Any siggestions?

hi , sorry if this is an old thread. But ive not used this forum before and found this thread which relates to my question slightly.
I have found my friend who didnt sign up through facebook like me, by using that code you guys have given.
however i can't view her profile whatsoever. I see one song they played which i know is from yesterday but she has listened to well more now, and besides has lots of playlists and stuff. so i know there should be a lot of listening history.
I also cant see her profile picture, just the spotify no photo logo, and i know she has a photo too.

Anyone know why this might be happening? and how i can solve it?

@NoWave wrote:

hi , sorry if this is an old thread. But ive not used this forum before and found this thread which relates to my question slightly.
I have found my friend who didnt sign up through facebook like me, by using that code you guys have given.
however i can't view her profile whatsoever. I see one song they played which i know is from yesterday but she has listened to well more now, and besides has lots of playlists and stuff. so i know there should be a lot of listening history.
I also cant see her profile picture, just the spotify no photo logo, and i know she has a photo too.

Anyone know why this might be happening? and how i can solve it?

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Would you be able to provide a link to that profile? 

Either here or via private message (see the link in my signature) is fine!



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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still does not work, even if I restart spotify. 

Ah I can see you have it slightly wrong, just try spotify:user:username and that should do the trick.


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Ahhhh! I see!


What if there's no "Add" button? I am using a Mac, and have Spotify Premium. Want to add a person to "My people" but there's no "Add" button option that I can find... Thank you! 

@teribalser wrote:

What if there's no "Add" button? I am using a Mac, and have Spotify Premium. Want to add a person to "My people" but there's no "Add" button option that I can find... Thank you! 

Is there a follow button? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I can#t seem to add anyone on my Spotify accound.  When I click on a users name there is no add button? Anyone else have this problem?

@darrenlid12 - Is there no Follow/Following button underneath their username on their profile? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I do have the same problem here.


I can access my friends' page on, but will not get any follow button if I open their profile in the app from there.


I also don't get any result when searching with spotify:user:username within the android app.


I tried with spotify:user:spotify, or hammed, or my username; no luck.

The username search method only works in the desktop client, unfortunately "follow" is still in the process of being added to the mobile applications so it might not be appearing on all pages yet. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I am trying to follow my friend that doesn't have a facebook but it seems hopeless. I've tried the "spotify:user:username" format into the search bar and when I search only a white page comes up.  So I thought that maybe I was doing something wrong, so I gave my friend the same "spotify:user:username" format with my account number that I found on under my Account page but my friend said that nothing happened for her too.  Help?

the same has happened to me, has this problem been fixed? and you can find your user name under your name (in the top right corner) under "Account..."

@Kaitome - Would you be able to post or PM me your username and I can check to make sure your profile is alright? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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It doesnt work for me?

What exactly doesn't work for you @rosietravis ?

Trying to find friends doens't work, never really has, dont' think it ever really will.


You can sometimes find the friend using the whole spotify:username:username BULL**bleep** OF SEARCH OPTION.


but then when you find them, then FOLLOW them, you aren't actually following them... hence if you go to follow, i am apparently following zero people when it should be like 5.


whats the deal?

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