Help Wizard

Step 1


Changing profile picture

Changing profile picture







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue


I have my spotify account created using facebook, until now i could change my profile picture, but now when i click change and i upload picture it changes but when i close app, the old one is coming back

4 Replies

Same here. I read all topics about that. I tried clean reinstall, i tried old versions (1.1.17, 1.1.14) but these all advice didn't work for me. Right now, My profile has older picture on desktop and mobile (Android). I'am using lastest version (

Hi @qcky and @ogzhnsfgl


Please, check this ongoing issue.

If that's something you're experiencing, make sure to add your +VOTE there and provide all the information needed. That way you'll be notified with all the future updates on that case. 

Having the same problem! I've tried just waiting for a few days for it to update, restarting spotify, and reinstalling spotify, but the profile picture just keeps disappearing. 

I just created my account (without facebook) and I can't add any immage, even on the Desktop app after I upload the immage, it disappear after a refresh

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