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Charged twice

Charged twice



I've been charged twice for a very long time.


No I don't have a double account with both of the credit card used all this time.

No I am not having a double month subscription

Yes I want just 1 charge per month


I would like a refund.


I already opened a ticket with the contact form and I am still waiting for an answer.


But since I've read this might take A LOT of time due the bad supports responses (I read some criticism from other customers) I opened here a 3d about this issue.


Please I am really in a bad situation at the moment with the economy of my family I can't sustain a double 10 pounds charges every month.

5 Replies

It is something the customer services guys will need to deal for you. To speed things along, be sure to reply directly to the automated email reply you get when you open the case (even if it is from a no-reply) address and that will bump your case over to an adviser.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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For now I will wait tomorrow for the answer. If I won't be answered back I will try to bump as you said. I hope this can get a solution. 


Because it's most likely 80-100 pounds...



This is ridicolous. When you pay for a service I pretend to have something to rely when I have trouble.


A service opened atleast 12 hrs a day.


I am really digusted. I lost £ 100 and it looks no one is working at the moment.


If this thing won't end with a refund I'll try to contact some external service to finish the matter. 100 pounds are not cents guys.


Be professional

Still the girl in the support can't give me an answer. I am **bleep**in pissed now. 


I've been charged twice since November 7th 2013. 


I've even talked with my bank to have a confirmation about that.


I am so angry you can't even imagine. And yet nobody is answering this thread

Unfortunately billing issues have to be dealt with by the payments team via email which is why it's been quiet on this thread.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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