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Username and password compromised after sporify hack.

Username and password compromised after sporify hack.

Im sure i got hack before your announcement.

I have only one account more with the same username and password thats on origin(EA), and that account is now lost to me.

Just a couple of weeks ago i used it playing Battlefield 4. Just today i got a message from my facebook i was playing and i was NOT playing. I change my password on spotify as soon as i saw the breach on the web(before spotify announced thier breach), apparently i was hack early. Im not happy with origin either, that someone could change my email and password without me knowing it. 


Because i change password fast on spotify i still have control over my account. But i am worried that my bank account info is taken.

2 Replies

If you have concerns, use the online contact form and someone at Spotify will get back to you. If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, please reply to it to speed things along.

Even if someone was able to access your Spotify account, they can't see any banking details that would be useful to them to steal money from you.

Spotify's "hack" only effected one user from what I saw in the announcement, so this is unlikely to be related.

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