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Hi there!

Today I tried to log into my account and it was saying that the e-mail account wasn't associated with any Spotify account. I tried to login with my Facebook account and everything went fine (i.e., all my playlists were there, but it was no longer a premium account), but when I signed up for a premium account under the new Facebook login, the playlists disappeared.

I can still see the playlists but somehow my current username doesn't match my previous one. I was wondering if there's a way to claim an username, and also to cancel the premium account attached to the first account so I don't pay for it twice.



1 Reply

Hey @zebruninha, welcome to the Community!


It sounds like you have multiple accounts. We suggest following the steps listed here to find the accounts you have.


If both of your accounts are Premium, we suggest cancelling your subscription here on the account you don't want to keep. This will prevent you from being double charged.


Hope that helps.

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