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Community post disappeared.

Community post disappeared.

All I wanted was to listen to some fresh downloaded music. Two hours later nothing is fixed, and my post about it just vanished!

I don't know where to post this so it is going here.


I made a post.  I saw the post, it was listed in my posts and in the forums (Desktop, windows linux etc)...  Went back and made an edit.


Did some more fiddling with win client and wanted to post a reply update.  Hit reply to my own message and got an "You are not authorized" type message and poof! the whole post is gone!


Just letting you guys know.  Maybe I'll try to repost my previous post about serious memory issues dealing with local files and local file download to iOS iphone app.


If Spotify was an object it would have been thrown against the wall, smashed under my boot and hit with a sledgehammer at this time..


Can't say they are really "kind" regards right now.



1 Reply

Hi @Go5go!


Welcome to the Community. 


That's not cool! No worries, we're here to help. Let us know what's happening exactly? Also, let us know what device, OS and versión of Spotify you're currently using. We'll see what we can suggest.  


Keep us posted. 


A.J Nelson

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