Help Wizard

Step 1


Country locked to US

Country locked to US

So, my situation is as follows:

I'm living in Germany right now, but my spotify account is set to "Country: US". Obviously, this needs to be changed so I can log in with the Desktop client (Linux). The problem is, the dropdown-menu in the account settings has only a single option, USA. So I can not change it. I'm using the Facebook-Login, and I have set Germany as my country there.



I issued a support request to spotify, but their reply was uttlerly useless. They told me to look into the help section on how to change my country. There was no useful information to be found. They also told me, that I should post this in the community forum in case the FAQ don't help me. So here I am.


4 Replies

If support replies you to check community for a solution or if you received your case number (#XXXXXXXX), please reply back even if there is "no reply" tag and tell that you still need help. If your inbox is empty please check spam.

Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.

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Thanks, I replied to their e-mail and explained the issue a bit more. I'll report back if sth changes.

Litterally have the same problem. 5-10% of my tracks cannot be played now. I'm sad

Literally can't play anything at all. Very sad indeed.

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