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Step 1


Deleted Facebook account used to create Spotify account

Deleted Facebook account used to create Spotify account

Hey all,


So due to recent issues, I've deleted my Facebook entirely. It's been two weeks and I cannot recover the account, but I just noticed that my Spotify account is now just a bunch of numbers, and I can't seem to change anything.


Is there any way to link this to a new Facebook account? I really don't want my name to permanently show up as a bunch of numbers to friends.


Thank you!

2 Replies

What, you mean you don't like the name slaav5i5y1ybs3wjbzps9ux7i?


I think that's a really cool name. How do you pronounce it?


You should just change your name on all other apps and social media so it matches, and then your friends will know that's you.

Hey @Squants, thanks for reaching out to us about this. If you created your Spotify account via Facebook and then unlinked your Facebook account, make sure to check out the steps for option 1 in this Spotify Answer to regain access to your Spotify account: Once you've done that, follow the steps in this article to connect your Spotify account to a new Facebook account: Hope that helps - let us know how you get on 😉

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