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Email address change

Email address change

I recently updated my email address with Facebook yet my spotify acount does not change to the current email address. I have followed the insptruction on changing the address in facebook and it is correct there, yet when i log out and log back into Spotify the adress does not update.


How do i get the email address to uipdate on spotify even though it is current now in Facebook?


I currently log into Spotify via Facebook and am trying to send a deivce password but the email adress doesnt update after my changes in Fcaebook.



3 Replies

Hello @threecs3 and welcome to the Spotify Community !

It usually takes about a week for the change to be applicated to Spotify. If the change still doesn't show up try disconnecting and reconnecting to Facebook. Here's how.

Have a nice day 🙂

Still hasn't changed. I followed the steps originally but still shows a email adress that isnt current to my facebook. I have a premium account with 3 other users and dont want to change my subscription. Would like for the email adress to be updated only.


Any other sugesstions to update the email address? 



Hello Colin, thank you for your quick response.


How many days it is, since you last updated your email address on facebook ?

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