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Giftcard code invalid


Giftcard code invalid

I bought a giftcard yesterday. And when I enter the code it says it is invalid, altho its not. I've tried on 3 different platforms (don't know why but I did). I've been back to the place I bought it but the code is activaded and they are just the middlehand so they couldn't help me.

PS: I really think you should have a telephone support aswell.

107 Replies

Have you tried redeeming it at ?


That error appears to be related to the 3-1 offer page, in which gift cards are not valid for redeeming that offer (despite the option being displayed on that page). 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yes, I have used the link you mentioned and tried but still I get the same message: "Ooops something went wrong try again or check out our help area.


Could you please escalate it further? My case number is  # 01140016. I haven't heard anything from the customer service on this Monday.

@Shannah70 -- I'm going to reply to that case of yours in just a minute. Keep an eye on your inbox.


Edit: I replied, then realised you have another support case with us, which is with the right folks. They'll be able to get things sorted out with that code, don't worry. It's a weird issue!


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love the musiic hate the gift card prbblems

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I got a gift card worth 600 kr I was planning to use for Premium. But when I type in the pin to redeem it says:
"The Premium code you entered is invalid. Please check that you have typed it correctly."
I'm absolutely sure I haven't typed anything wrong.

@anton22lindahl - If you could get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form including the code they can check it out for you. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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i am really not happy at the moment-was bought a £30 gift card for xmas, just redeemed it and it showed on my account that i had premium for 3 months, but it wasnt working on my devices so i logged out of account online and back in again and it has switched me back to spotify free and when i try to redeem the gift card again it says invalid. i want my 3 month premium that somebody kindly bought me. please get this sorted for me asap thanks

@neat1234 - Sounds like you might have two accounts, when you redeemed the gift code you should have received an email confirmation. What is the username shown on that confirmation? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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My gift card code isn't working either!! I've talked to the people in the store but they say that they can't do anything about it. I've also filled in the contact form but i haven't gotten a reply by email yet. I paid 600sek and demand to get my code fixed or get my money back!

I've made a present sending a Gift card to a friend 3 moths for her birthday to start using it in her party

the code sent says is already in way! I cannot find a phone though the Service in Spain I can talk to and this is happening tonight

& I'm between confused, stressd & frustrated, sincerely


it says is been used and is not yWeVFqkJed

the one ofthe card sent to her

Subject: ¡Has recibido una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de Spotify!
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:32:44 +0000

¿Buscas el mejor regalo para un amante de la música?

Sílvia Menéndez-Cahué te ha obsequiado 3 meses de Spotify Premium
 Has recibido una tarjeta electrónica de regalo de Spotify!
Per moooolt anys!!! (bé moment....tres mesos ;)) un petonàs....
Para abonar estos meses Spotify Premium a tu cuenta, visita

Éstas son algunas de las increíbles ventajas de Spotify Premium que enriquecerán tu experiencia musical:
High quality music        
Música ilimitada

Escucha en tu ordenador o móvil música sin cortes comerciales. Millones de canciones al instante.
Mobile music        
Música en tu móvil

Descarga Spotify en tu móvil y llévate a Spotify a donde quieras.
Offline mode        
Modo Offline

Disfruta de tus listas de reproducción sin necesidad de una conexión a internet. Ideal para tus viajes.

Para leer más acreca de cómo usar Spotify, visita nuestras preguntas frecuentes.

Hi. You need to get in touch with the payment team to resolve this. Please use the online contact form . If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, make sure to reply to it directly to speed things along.

Hello! today i bought two giftcards. first one  i hade to try redeem few times, but the second one i cant redeem. Please help

Hey @tedx ! Welcome to the community 🙂

If you could get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form they will be able to lend a hand getting that code redeemed on your account. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer support via Twitter, please tweet @SpotifyCares.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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My giftcard dosen't work, i think it hasent beenregestrated in the store. And now they don't vant helo me. Can you se if i wrote the cardnr if it is registrated?

Hi Lasse1,

Just follow the instructions that Peter has posted in the reply above yours and one of our support team will be able to help further.

For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

Follow me on Spotify.

What's going on Spotify??? guys have a great selection of music would love to get the benefits of premium, I didn't mind to pay $10 dolla$$rs for that,
But what's really got me very frustrated is the fact that I'm getting the premium code you entered is invalid.I bought my card on Thursday July 17 since then I've been trying to redeem it! and I keep getting errors and invalid code#. I've even gon back to the store,I got a call back from the manager saying that I used the card on Friday July 18th witch was the next day if I redeemed the card then where? is my premium.... and where? Is the copy of my receipt!!!!!
Not cool guys!!!! Very disappointed!!!! Please resolve this problem I want to get what I payed!!!!for..........





Sorry to hear about this!


You need to contact support here


from the first dropdown select "paying for Spotify"


from the second dropdown select "Redeeming my Spotify gift card"


from the third dropdown select "it isn't working"


from the fourth dropdown select your deice


in the text box explain your situation


The support team will then reply back as soon as possible.


If you get an auto reply in your email, all you need to do is reply back to it (usually doesn't happen, but sometimes the system does this to prevent spam emails to support)

MattSudaSpotify Star
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If you did manage to redeem it, you should have got a receipt via email.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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 I bought a spotify gift card and accidentally bought Unlimited.  I hate it.  So I bought another gift card and at first it said that I couldn't update my payment information.  When I logged out and then logged back in, I tried to redeem my card again and buy premium, but it said that the code has alread been used, but I don't have any premium features?? I'm sooo pissed right now.  All I want is to listen to music on my devices.  Fix it ASAP please.

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