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Help premium account

Help premium account

Today, early in the morning I applied for your campaign, however later, I noticed that the campaign was for the university students only, but I am not one of them. Thus, I haven't been given any premium features. Having realised the issue, I cancelled my order yet I found out that deduction had been made from my Credit card. My request is that please either place a refund for the deduction or grant me with premium features.

Yours faithfully.

1 Reply

Hey there, @Harun58


Thanks for coming to the Community 🙂

If we’re unable to verify your student I.D., you won’t be eligible to claim the student discount. In this instance, rest assured any charges will show on your statement as ‘pending’, meaning no money has actually been taken.

Once the bank receives the confirmation that your student I.D. failed to verify, the ‘pending’ charge will be refunded. This can take up to 48 hours, depending on your bank.


You can reach out to them for more information too.

Let us know if this helps 🙂

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