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How to bypass free trial?

How to bypass free trial?

I tried to do the 30 day free trial. It was declining my card because my bank won't allow a charge below $1. I don't even mind if I don't get the free 30 day trial, but I would like to sign up. I was wondering how to bypass the trial and just sign up for premium.


Thanks for any help.


And if there is a way to get the free 30 days, that'd be cool too.

5 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


You will be able to subscribe without the free trial, just head to your online account and click on Spotify Premium in your Subscription status. That should take you to the subscription set up page without the free trial applied. 



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I cant upgrade to spotify premium. It rejects all payment methods. 

I did check your F&Q and tried all you say there but still nothing. 

And I cant update to premium by skipping the free trial. That is very strange. I just want to be able to pay for your premium service and it seems impossible to do. 



Hey @jazilla,


Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community.


This is indeed very odd. Just to make sure that we're on the same page - you've never had Premium before, correct? In any case, we recommend trying to subscribe using an incognito browser and on a different device altogether, if that's an option. Sometimes data stored in your browser can cause such issues and this is the best way to avoid them.


If the issue persists, please include screenshots of any error messages you receive and list the payment methods you've tried so far.


Hope this helps. Keep us posted. 

Mihail Moderator
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The advertisement every 2-3 songs make me crazy. I don’t want to have 3 months free but have to suffer from the stupid ads. And it’s ridiculous to not possible to buy immediately. 

Hey @Uribo,


Thanks for joining the thread!
If you're referring to the 3 months free trial option, it's for free Premium, not the free subscription tier 🙂 
And, as far as getting a subscription without the trial, you can check if this link would do it for you.

Let us know in case anything else comes up and we'll make sure to take a look 🙌🏼
Hope this helps!

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