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How to change language

How to change language

I am from Korea my English not so good so I want to change to Korean language in spotify but Korean is not option. Is there way to change to Korean? Much thanks. ^-^ ㅋㅋㅋ 

2 Replies

Hello, @hanulche! I'm afraid Spotify is not yet available in Korea therefore your language isn't supported. I suggest that if you wish to use the service you will need to stick either to English or any other language that you feel more comfortable with and that is officialy supported by Spotify!

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Hello, I think you really should consider to have Korean as a language option on Spotify! Or at least have both Korean and English song titles. Korean artists have chosen to have some song titles in Korean and I think it is a courtesy to at least have both options! Also I think it is a great way to let people experience other cultures. 

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