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Huge error made by Spotify

Huge error made by Spotify

Uhm... it's a bit awkward... I used to share the Spotify Family package with my
ex, with who we haven't been together anymore for a long time and now my current
partner invited me to join her family and now she sees me under her
family overview as my ex (who is named Kristiina), not as Rene... but my account isn't in any way associated with her... why is she seeing the name of my ex there, not mine?! She's really **bleep**, lol...

9 Replies

Hey @Rumberg thanks for reaching out to the community,


If you want to kick her out of the family you can just click the arrow and there should be an option. But I am a bit confused, do you want to remove her, or invite your new girlfriend?


Let me know,

Jack 🙂

No no no... the family account belongs to my current girlfriend. She invited me to join her family package and sent me the invite to my email (email that I use my Spotify with), that I then accepted and entered the details (we live on the same address). But for some reason my girlfriend, this screenshot is taken by her, sees that my ex has joined her family not me... that's why I'm confused.

Oh Hah! So sorry,


I understand the only reason for that is you are on the wrong account, if you check your phone it is most likely your ex girlfriends account that was logged into your phone/device. I would suggest transfering your playlists to a new account with your email and then join the plan on the new account. After that kick your ex girlfriends account out.



The account that I'm logged into on my phone belongs to me since it has my photo and name next to it. 


And your on premium?

I was on my own premium until tonight, I cancelled it because my GF made the family package and invited me to join with it. So yes, I'm on a Premium, with a wrong/incorrect name shown/displayed for the Family package owner. 

And your accounts username is your girlfriends?

Rene is my name, Kristiina is my ex. To me it shows my username, the correct one.

To my gf it shows my ex gf's name... 

Ok hey again,


At this time your girlfriends username cannot be changed.  The closest you can get is to link your Spotify account to your Facebook profile so that your Facebook display name is the one shown on your account.

If you really want to change the username, it is possible to create a new account! 


Let me know if you need more help,


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