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I have already pay

I have already pay

I had payed may premium famili spotify but when I start my app in mi iphone and mac this say if for free. 


I have erased the app in my iphone and mac and reinstall and say the same thing FREE. 


What can I do?

6 Replies

Hey @user-removed,


Can you please let me know a little more about what’s happening exactly? I’d love to see what I can suggest.


Thanks 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
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I have pay since 3 months or more and today when I start the app on the phone it say is Free. I erased the app in my phone and reintall I put muy email accout and say the same thing FREE. I have the email of spotify that muy payment is OK.


Captura de pantalla 2016-09-30 a la(s) 13.35.20.png

Hey @user-removed,


Please try logging in using your username instead of your email address.


Let me know how it goes!

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

I send one email to Spotify and they joined the 2 accounts with the same email

Ok, just to check, are you able to log into your account now? If you aren't, please reset your password here:

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

I can log in with my user and new password thanks

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