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Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features


Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features



I have an active Premium Subscription since 2012 but now it does not work anymore. When I look at my receipts page my last payment is also missing, but my Bank account shows that I did pay.


My Account says that I have an active subscription and that my Subscription will change to Spotify Premium on 2014-03-10 which is when my next payment will be made.


I have already tried to reinstall the client which did not fix my issue.


I have also contacted the customer support directly but they said that I should make a post here.


I hope that someone here may know how to  fix this.


Thank you for your time.

251 Replies

Same issues here. No premium features. No response from support. This ist truly some of the worst customer service I experienced in a long while.

2nd day. no **bleep**ing information.

i give a trial to ampya....


maybe u will open the features to ALL members to ceep the premium members? just an idea...

Hey Richard,

 I want to delete my facebook but spotify will not let me listen to music when i do. My account is synced with facebook. I am a premium member. I pay for spotify and this is a huge problem. I have been trying to figure this problem out and there is nothing about it and i have had to go to the chat line to find you. This is very unprofessional. When i have been paying for over a year for this service. How do we go about this to fix this problem. i dont care if we have to delete my spotify account but i want my music and playlist saved because i am still paying. Then if we set a new profile up that is not linked to facebook i want all of my music and playlist and account restored to normal.

Thank you for your time 

Well, Spotify got my money, I still did not get Premium, tho. Have been using it for nearly 2 years and do not really consider leaving, but I will be forced to, if this issue is not resolved within the next week.

Ok, so that is over 24 hours since I provided the "screenshot" with the transfer from my bank account and cancelled the standing order as requested. Still not reply from support or the possibility to "re-upgrade" my account by changing the payment method. At the moment I have paid for a service I am not receiving.


Spotify is trying to pass the blame of their incompetence in negotiating the direct order contract in Germany to the users. Clearly the amount was "removed" from my account by Sofort.. Spotify must discuss the problem with Sofort and not ask users for screenshots and other gimmicks.


So, now, the only thing I can do is wait for the understaffed support (poor guys). This is strongly caused by the lack of pro-activity by Spotify in contacting their customers instead of having a massive wave of complaints coming in. Clearly a sign of bad support and customer care.


Finally, what Spotify seems to fail to notice is that each person affected is potentially a lost customer. I am currently using a Napster trial account and can see that Spotify is not the only option.


So, waiting and venting 🙂





@user-removed - If you create a new non-Facebook Spotify account, then get in touch with the support guys either via twitter @SpotifyCares or via email here (then reply to the automated email directly), they will be able to copy those playlists over for you.


Unfortunately, there is no way to move the subscription between accounts, so you will need to cancel on your old account and then resubscribe on your new account. Luckily you can take out a 30 day free trial on your new account which should make up for any Premium time you loose during the change over. 


Everyone else, keep posting your case numbers to this topic as the staff are passing them over to make sure they get to the right people for you. Unfortunately, I think the screenshots are required - from what I can tell from other reports here on the community, the money was taken from bank accounts but never delivered to Spotify which would point to Sofort actually not knowing where the money is (or else you would think they would pay it). 

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To be completely honest: This is the worst piece-of-**bleep** customer service I ever experienced. It it is you – spotify – offering a payment method. If you guys don't know what your payment provider is doing with the money, it is your problem, not mine. I fulfilled everything that was negotiated within the service contract. Spotify did not. It is not my job to get your mess cleaned up.


I do not care about any problems within your internal processes, I still did not receive any feedback or solution to any of my enquiries #01431177. I set a deadline of 48 hours which is running out in 24 hours. If still nothing happens, I will terminate my account without further notice and get my money back via bank transfer cancellation. As for now, all I can cal this procedure is cheat!

I have the same problem (and I´m shocked that obviously this is a very common problem)...


My Account-Number is: 1139868417

Hi guys,


Apologies for the wait in getting this sorted.


Your cases are with the right team and you should get an email very soon!


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That´s what you have to do:


Danke für deine Geduld.

Problem gefunden, aber glücklicherweise gibt es eine Lösung.
Ich habe mal grade in deinen Account geguckt und es scheint so das deine Zahlung nicht durchgegangen ist.
Es gab einen Fehler (Crash) im System mit der Verbindung von Sofort und Spotify und seitdem sind viele der Daueraufträge der Kunden defekt,  und die erkaufte Leistung (das Premium oder Unlimited) wird nicht anerkannt.
Wenn du jetzt Premium haben willst, dann wirst du deinen Sofort Dauerauftrag bei der Bank direkt kündigen müssen und eine alternative Zahlart auswählen müssen (Paypal, Kreditkarte, Gutscheine, e-codes etc.).
Leider kann man das nicht anders lösen.
Wir hier im Büro haben leider keine Macht das irgendwie zu beeinflussen oder neu einzustellen. Ich hoffe das kannst du nachvollziehen.
Deswegen der ganze Ärger.
Und dein Fehler ist es nicht!
Ich muss dir auch an dieser Stelle mitteilen, das wenn du deinen Sofort Dauerauftrag kündigst, du bei einem erneuten Abo nicht in der Lage sein wirst dir erneut einen Sofort Dauerauftrag zu holen und zu benutzen. Mit Sofort kann man leider nur noch e-Gutscheine kaufen und einlösen.
Wenn das okay für dich ist und du den Vertrag in der Bank gekündigt hast, dann bestätige mir das bitte das du gekündigt hast in der Bank, und schick mir bitte die folgenden Daten und ich werde dir dein Konto gerne freischalten:
- Geburtsdatum
- Postleitzahl
Sobald ich die Daten habe, und du mir bestätigt hast das du den Dauerauftrag gekündigt hast,  mache ich alles startklar für dich das du dir das Premium wieder aktivieren kannst 🙂
Sag bitte gerne Bescheid solltest du noch Fragen haben.
Ich freu mich auf Antwort.

which email adress do i have to use?

Selbes Problem hier, ich bezahle seit 2012 mit SofortDauerauftrag und plötzlich habe ich kein Premium mehr obwohl fleißig Geld abgebucht wird!


Same Problem here, i've been paying since 2012 with SofortDauerauftrag and suddenly my account is not premium anymore despite my bank account being charged!


case# 01439490

Hahaha, next chapter of my drama with Spotify.


My account was finally untied from Sofort - so now I have options to pay again.


But I am stuck again haha. My credit cards and my paypal account are linked to Belgium accounts (I live in Munich now). So Spotify rejects the payment. Even to buy a gift card my payment is rejected.


Funny enough it seem I can buy a gift card via Sofort - how ironic is that? So Spotify still sells gift cards via Sofort but they have no idea if this is ever going to arrive to their account? 🙂


Well, so it seems I will have to buy a PHYSICAL gift card because of all these limitations haha. Incredible.


Anyway, I think Spotify did what they could with me - I can only say that I am massively disappointed with the service, the changes of payment methods and the regional restrictions for payment.

So, mein Problem wurde nun gelöst und ich hab einen kostenlosen Premium Monat. Geschrieben habe ich dem Support am 02.05.2014, gar nicht so lange her wie ich finde. Den Anderen wünsche ich noch etwas Geduld und gute Laune! 🙂

Die künftige Bezahlmethode wird vermutlich dieses "E-Card" System werden.


- - -


So, my problem is now solved and I got a free premium month. I have written the support on 02.05.2014, not so long ago I think. The others I still want a little patience and good humor! 🙂

The future payment method will probably be this "e-card" system.

Selbes Problem und habe der No-reply mailaddresse geschrieben. Das war nun auch schon am 03.05.2014 und habe seitdem nichts mehr gehört an welche Adresse hast denn geschrieben ?

Am 02.05 habe ich zuerst hierüber an Spotify geschrieben:


Dann kam am 04.05 eine witzlose Mail von

- - -:

Leider hatten wir in der letzten Zeit einige Schwierigkeiten, das von Spotify angestrebte Niveau bei der Beantwortung einzuhalten.


Dafür möchten wir uns bei Ihnen entschuldigen.


Wir bemühen uns sehr, Ihre Frage zu beantworten, sollte Sie noch aktuell sein. Wir möchten Sie daher bitten, diese Nachricht zu beantworten, wenn es noch Klärungsbedarf geben sollte.

- - -


Auf diese Mail habe ich dann direkt geantwortet, dass das Problem sich nach wie vor nicht von selber gelöst hat :D.


Dann bekam ich am 05.05 die Mail mit der Info was ich tun muss und heute dann letzten Endes die Nachricht das alles geregelt ist mit einem Link zum kostenlosen Premium-Monat.




i got downgraded to free once again while still paying (sofortüberweisung) and i'm really starting to get pissed. this is my case #01451543

Same problem here and no reply from support so far Case # 01452295

Same problem here, support case: # 01452384

Having the same problem



My case 


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